Page 424 - 2019 6th AFIS & ASMMA
P. 424

ASMMA Welcoming Remarks

                                                            Jung Hwan Lee
                                     Chairman, President & CEO of Korea Housing Finance Corporation

               Good morning everyone, I am very glad to host 6th Asian Secondary                        The name of this building is ‘NuriMaru’; Nuri means the world

            Mortgage Market Association, ASMMA, annual meeting. Following                             in Korean, whereas ‘Maru’ means ceiling, or the top. So the building
            yesterday’s AFIS meeting, as a host of ASMMA, let me express my                           literally stands for the world summit. It represents historic symbol of the
            appreciation and honor to Mr. Gantulga Badamkhatan, Chairman of                           APEC summit. Modeled in the image of a traditional Korean pavilion,
            ASMMA and CEO of Mongolian MIK for gracing this event with his                            the dome-shaped villa embodies beautiful ridges of the Dong-baek
            presence.                                                                                 island. which provides architectural beauty as well. And the island is
                                                                                                      connected with Busan city land by a bridge. I feel greatly honored to
               Moreover, we are having delegations from Cagamas Berhad of                             have you here in this room where APEC summit seated and so the past
            Malaysia, Japan Housing Finance Agency, Kazakhstan Mortgage                               and present coexist in harmony.
            Company, NHMFC of the Philippines, SMF of Indonesia, SMC of
            Thailand. I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to all of you who                      In retrospect, the ASMMA has broadened the mutual understanding    Ceremony  Opening
            are here to broaden and deepen our relationships. In addition, today we                   by discussing common issues we are facing, and sharing our major
            have special guests as CHID Bank of Myanmar, NMC of Armenia, SMC                          achievements and experience over the past five years. There is a saying
            of Kyrgyzstan, PMRC of Pakistan. Welcome you all to this 6th ASMMA                        that “creating the new from the old”. Likewise, based on our five year
            annual meeting. Your presence will enrich our gathering.                                  achievements, I hope that ASMMA can take a leap and become a leading
                                                                                                      body in global housing finance. Once again, welcome all members,
               This place is called APEC Nurimaru of Dong-baek island, where                          observers and participants, and I wish you all the best and continued
            21 heads of states of the APEC countries gathered together in 2005.                       success. Thank you.
            This floor, the 3rd floor, is usually closed to the public, but today it is
            specially opened for us; you are sitting at the seats where the heads of the
            states used to sit, beside the flags of each country. Today, the flags were
            rearranged to represent ASMMA member countries.

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