Page 263 - 2019 6th AFIS & ASMMA
P. 263

So, every cent, every penny saved in energy efficiency can really   the European families towards an energy efficiency behavior, and we are
 improve the quality of life of these people. We also have looked at some   asking our institutions, the European Commission and the European
 other numbers. This is what we call the Europe 'Heat or Eat' dilemma.   Central Bank, to take action, and when they implement Basel, they   Speech  Keynote
 We discover that in Europe, more than 18 million of people have to   should give banks the right prudential treatment to allow weighting of
 decide between giving food to their kids or heating the house where   this asset. We are now in negotiation with the European Commission,
 they are living. So nowadays, adding the right strategy to European level   which is about to implement the Basel framework in Europe. In addition,
 and the global level, is a question of political urgency for the European   we will have a group of banks; we have created the pilot phase banks in a
 Union. We have a very old stock of housing. If you look housing stock in   global level with 46 banks implementing the same definition for energy
 European cities, more than a quarter has been built after WWII, and one   efficiency, and doing the same thing around the globe, from Canada,
 quarter has been built before WWII. So we need to improve the quality   Brazil, Singapore, and why not Korea.
 of our houses, as soon as possible. At the end of the day, the decision to
 improve a house is only on the owner of the house. There is no public   So we really welcome you to join us as pilot banks, because we want to
 strategy that can intervene, if you don't convince a husband and a wife or   build a global case to tell the Basel Committee that they cannot compare
 two partners to decide to make works in the house. And we all know how   riskiness for energy efficiency mortgages with normal mortgages. Because
 difficult it is to convince a family to make works in their house.  the risk level is completely different, and our investors in the future will
               factor this in, in a different way. We are trying to build a strong case
 The banks are in a special place to convince families that there is an   to produce evidence at the European level; those are the names of the
 economical case to improve their house, as it will safeguard their wealth   banks involved in our initiative. Those banks will be meeting at the end
 and improve the quality of their life. So, the banks are the only one that   of this month in September, in Venice, and we will be discussing how to
 can really convince all of us to go back home, and convince your wife or   take common action at European and global level. That day in Venice,
 your husband and try to make the works in your house to improve the   we will have the governors of Bank of Italia and the Italian central bank,
 energy efficiency of your house one notch up. What will happen if you   who will explain to us how central banks are trying to digest the ESG
 improve the energy efficiency of your house by one notch? Well, let's use   parameters in the repo transaction policies in market activities, in order
 Danish numbers. I am an Italian so I don't want to use Italian or Greek   to give room to banks to play an important role. Because banks can help
 numbers; I need to use Danish numbers to convince the European   the transition to energy efficiency, they can help growth, they can help
 Commission. In Europe, we have something which is called "European   in change the behavior, and they are the only ones who can help every
 Performance of Energy Certification", which is called the EPC. This   single family in improving the quality of life of their kids.
 ranks the quality of the energy consumption for your house from A to G.
                 With this I would like to conclude my intervention. I would like to
 In Denmark, the value of the difference between A or G for a same   leave room for the discussion for the panel but it's a call to the Korean
 house is 64 thousand of euros. It's quite an important amount.  The   community and the global community to be part of our institution, and
 energy savings achieved from G to A is around 3,000 euros per year,   to join us in building a global case to fight energy transaction and to
 or 250 euros per month. There is another analysis; if you move up one   give answers to the consumer of tomorrow, because your kids, our kids,
 notch on average, assuming a mortgage of 30 years, you can improve   have different needs. We want to preserve a better future for all of them.
 the quality of the house by 24,000 of euros. So, it's more or less an extra   Thank you all for your kind attention. We look forward to serving you
 room in the life of a family. So there is a strong economical case to push   close to us. Thank you.

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