Page 258 - 2019 6th AFIS & ASMMA
P. 258

Good morning to all of you. It's a big honor for us to be here in                      on Thursday afternoon in Europe, the upcoming new chairwoman, or
            Busan and to share with all of you, all the distinguished guests of today,                governor, of the European Central Bank made a strong bold statement
            our views on what's going on in the mortgage market in Europe, and                        saying that, for the first time, in case of a new quantitative easing, Europe   Speech  Keynote
            the challenges we have at the global level. I think it's very important to                has to take in consideration a new taxonomy capturing ESG parameters.
            highlight how important the summit is today and how the title of the
            summit is really capturing the challenge that we all face.                                  So, for the first time, the European Central Bank is trying to
                                                                                                      implement a green taxonomy in their financial market operation, which
               Our political landscape is becoming very uncertain. Our consumers                      will help investors have a green approach towards financial markets. This
            are changing their behavior, and as a consequence our strategies in terms                 is a big change. And it's coming from a strong statement of the European
            of funding, in terms of valuation, in terms of Fintech, have to change                    Commission in taking the leadership in the energy efficiency debate in
            consequently. That's a big change for our industry, but we have no other                  Europe, but also from the global level. In Europe, in the last two years,
            alternative. We have to change, because the world around us is changing,                  a group of experts, which is called the Technical Expert Group, has
            and because the mortgage business is one of the fundamental pillars                       provided a clear taxonomy for the financial markets, trying to capture
            of every single country. It's true that at global level, we have different                climate change in our financial landscape.
            houses, we have a different social system, but the mortgage business is
            always having the same mission; make a family grow and be able to have                      This is already having a strong implication on the investor appetite.
            a social lift, which means improving and having hope for the future.                      I had meetings with asset managers in Amsterdam a few days ago, and
                                                                                                      it's very clear that the ESG parameters are becoming a strong parameter
               And now more than ever, having hope in the future is important from                    in their financial decision. So, they are not allowed anymore to invest
            a social point of view, and also from a political point of view. So, the                  in anything considered as a source of pollution or a source of political
            challenges are very local, but the solution from my point of view is very                 problems. So, it's very important for our banks that we realign completely
            global. It's very important that we have this kind of global collaboration,               our strategy, and create a clear link between asset-side strategies and
            and we'd like to express the gratitude as the European Covered Bond                       funding strategies. Covered bonds from our point of view can play an
            Council for the high contribution provided by Korean Housing Finance                      important role in providing transparency and clear information to the
            Corporation in our institution. Your contribution is very helpful for us to               investors.
            realign completely the funding strategies at a global level.
                                                                                                        So, we can build our story around three big pillars: consumer
               Today I would like to speak with you about our flagship initiative,                    behavior, lending behavior, and investor behavior. And how our
            which is trying to capture the energy efficiency debate in the mortgage                   business, our mortgage business, can help in our case, in our country,
            business. We believe that the challenge of climate change is one of                       and in Europe, to build a strong political agenda around our financial
            the major challenges for our market. I would like to share with you                       needs. Well, speaking about Europe; in Europe we have a very strange
            my views on why I think this will change our business, starting from                      situation as you know, where we are a kind of country, but we are a kind
            tomorrow morning. Well first of all, there are a few news that I would                    of a Federation or Confederation, as you prefer. It depends where you're
            like to share with you that can help us understand how the world around                   based. And the economic area of the European Union is collecting all
            us is changing, and this will have deep implications on our business                      together 500 million of people. This 500 million of people, they own 247
            models. Just to share with you the news that I read in the last few days,                 million of houses. The houses in Europe are actually contributing to the

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