Page 313 - 2019 6th AFIS & ASMMA
P. 313

» Moderator  |  Henny Sender
 Chief Correspondent, International Finance, Financial Times  As a start, we gauged the number of people coming into cities in Asia
               every day. As you know, Asia is urbanizing very rapidly. We calculate that
 I am so happy to be back in Busan. The subject matter of this panel,   every day about 130,000 people are coming into cities. Of course, having
 which concerns affordable housing and how best to finance it, is   access to adequate and affordable housing is a very important need. Yet
 especially important to me. It may not be obvious because I live in Hong   we know the housing prices are extremely high, and these housing prices
 Kong, which is seen to be a very rich city. But it's full of poor people,   have critically undermined the economic prospects of the region. So the
 who desperately need affordable housing, and after the presentations, I   idea of this presentation is to give you an overview of where we stand
 will talk for a minute as a moderator, highly inappropriately, about the   in terms of housing affordability and housing adequacy, and what the
 costs of not having affordable housing. I'm going to start with Matthias,   governments are doing to provide more affordable and more adequate
 who will give you an overview of affordable housing and why it matters   housing in the region.  Session II
 especially to the real economy. Thank you.

 » Presenter  |  Matthias C. Helble
 Economist, Economic Research and Regional Cooperation Department, Asian Development Bank

 Good afternoon, everybody, thank you so much for inviting me to
 this excellent and very important and timely conference here. I will share
 with you research that I've been doing at ADB in Manila on housing.
 We're currently finishing a new flagship report on urbanization in Asia.
 And this is the part on housing that I will present. So, let me start my

                 Let's start with housing affordability. Of course, housing affordability
               and adequacy are very closely related. If you can't afford adequate
               housing, you will live in a substandard housing. So let's first have a look
               at this affordable housing. As you all know, there's really an increase in
               housing prices across the region, and you might have seen latest numbers
               from China and Bangkok; there are a lot of anecdotal evidence about the
               increase of housing prices. I took some data from Numbeo, which is a
               source where they collect housing price from private data providers. And
               this is the change in housing price from 2010-11 to 2017-18.  As you can
               see, many cities in Asia have recorded a sharp increase. The group is led

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