Page 314 - 2019 6th AFIS & ASMMA
P. 314

by Chinese cities such as Guangzhou, and Beijing, but then comes also
            the Indian city of Mumbai. And there's only one city in this small sample
            that had a negative tendency, which is a small city in Japan: Kochi.

                                                                                                        In developed countries, this ratio is usually between three and six. So   Session II
                                                                                                      when we calculated the PIR for these 211 cities in Asia, we were quite
                                                                                                      surprised, because the vast majority fell into the last category of severely
                                                                                                      unaffordable. We tried all kind of checks but we always found this very
               Even though we have this anecdotal evidence, we still lack of really                   consistent result, that for over 80 percent of the people in Asia housing
            systematic inventory of housing prices in the region. So, what we did is                  still remain severely unaffordable. Of course, in this sample of 27
            to collect as many housing prices by city as we could, and use as many                    countries, we have more kind of lower income countries. Still, I think it's
            sources that were available, using official and private sources. So, in the               really shocking to see that housing still remains highly unaffordable for
            end, we had 211 cities in 27 countries for which we had housing prices.                   many people.
            Then we tried to find the income by the households in these cities,
            which again was a challenge, because we don't have a lot of information
            about the household income at the city level. So, we used the so-called
            household income and expenditure surveys to calculate the median
            income. And we also used the data by the World Bank Povcal. And then
            we applied these benchmarks that are developed by the Demographia,
            so if the price to income ratio is below three, it's affordable; between
            three and four, basically moderately affordable, four and five, seriously
            unaffordable, and if it is above five, it's labeled severely unaffordable.

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