Page 323 - 2019 6th AFIS & ASMMA
P. 323

One issue that has been maybe a little bit overlooked is transportation,
               because if you provide cheap efficient transportation, you expand the
               area where people can commute into the city center. We have done
               some research to measure how bad the traffic congestion is in Asia. So,
               we downloaded from Google Maps about 40,000 trips for 300 cities in
               Asia, and we found that during peak hours, it takes you about 35 percent
               more time to travel. And this congestion increases with the city size.
               So, if you live in a city that has more than five million, then your peak
               travel time is about 50% higher than the off-peak travel time. We also
               looked at the option of public transportation. We again used Google
               Maps data, and checked whether public transportation is offered and   Session II
               how long it takes, and we were quite shocked to learn that it takes about
 In our report, we look at the various policies across countries. When   three times more than driving. So, people want to buy a car, they want to
 you compare these policies, you can see some common features across   drive, but the roads are not made for such a massive increase in terms of
 the countries.  I just want to mention these six. Start with the first one,   cars, which leads to severe congestion. There's also data that shows that
 which is about data collection. Many cities don't have very systematic   commuting takes a huge share of the income of urban dwellers in Asia.
 and good data on the housing market. If you don't have data on the   So, commuting is expensive, and that's why we, ADB, try to do more, in
 housing market, how can you manage that housing market? So, we have   terms of investment in urban infrastructure.
 seen efforts by governments in Malaysia and the Philippines to collect
 really systematically housing price data and labor market data, in order   Let me finish my presentation with three more lessons learned. First
 to better understand the housing market. Then, of course, the supply,   of all, it needs the engagement of the private sector, because it's a huge
 which is very much critical, when it comes to expanding the supply of   problem. The public sector cannot solve this unaffordability issue. We
 housing. And cities should do more to relax the supply constraints.   need to develop smart housing policies that are adapted to the income
               levels of different income brackets. In addition, we should promote the
               rental market. Asia is still very much looking into home ownership,
               but we think that a thriving rental market can be a very important
               contribution to solve the housing and affordability crisis. Lastly, what's
               important is of course the effective implementation. Implementation is
               always an issue, when it comes to developing countries. I think there's a
               lot of room to improve in terms of the implementation of policies.

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