Page 329 - 2019 6th AFIS & ASMMA
P. 329

So, I think the key message is this; the housing finance has got a long   to adequate, safe and affordable housing, and basic services, and upgrade
 way to go to serve the needs at a global level. The two charts below that   slums. This has provided kind of a renewed interest in housing. It has
 also give the same message; the one under on the left shows the annual   made governments think about how to achieve this, what are the policies
 urban growth rate expected between 2015 and 2050. Essentially, this is   required, and a realization also that government alone isn't going to
 a proxy for housing needs. Most of the housing needs over the next few   succeed in meeting all of those needs. So, we help support towards this goal
 decades are going to be from urbanization. And the fastest urbanization   and the sort of things that we're looking at on the housing finance side.
 rates are going to be in sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia and East Asia
 Pacific. The right-hand chart shows the depth of mortgage finance, again
 taking an average mortgage debt to GDP ratio. You can see the two charts
 are basically almost diametrically opposite. So, where the housing needs
 are going to be is where the least finances, and those countries that we've         Session II
 seen their populations at a steady state or in decline have already got all
 of the financing. So, the challenge is really to reverse the chart on the
 right, and get much more financing to where it's required.

                 You can split it into different categories. It's not just about mortgage
               markets, either; the first category is about affordable mortgages, how
               to make mortgage markets more efficient, improving foreclosure
               mechanisms, improving operational efficiency, gathering data, and
               looking at things like the stamp duty paid on mortgage registration,
               having good credit, or rights to make the foreclosure process, faster and
 This has been a challenging thing to do over the last few years. Housing   more certain. Also, looking particularly for those on lower incomes or
 hasn't always been at the top of the agenda. We've had infrastructure,   those on informal incomes, who may not be able to purchase a whole
 health, education, all tend to come ahead of housing. I'd say this is   property, and it may be more appropriate to do smaller loans, home
 changing, so the new sustainable development goals have really helped   upgrading loans, where you can still have a kind of life-changing effect
 bring forward this agenda and provide some focus. So, the world as a   in terms of the quality of life, by putting a concrete floor into a property,
 whole is committed to the sustainable development goals, within that   improving roofing materials. There, smaller loans, housing, microfinance
 same goals; 11 promises that by 2030 countries will ensure access for all   loans may be better. I think Capital markets is the key to leveraging a lot

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