Page 417 - 2019 6th AFIS & ASMMA
P. 417

Invitation Letter

 First of all, I would like to extend my warmest gratitude to all members of the Asian
                 Classi cation  Time               Programme
 Secondary Mortgage Market Association(ASMMA) for providing us an opportunity to
 host the 6th Asian Fixed Income Summit(AFIS) and Asian Secondary Mortgage Market   09:00 ~ 10:00  Registration
 Association(ASMMA) annual meeting.
                                     Welcoming Remarks
 As you are well aware, since ASMMA’s establishment in 2014, it has been contributing to   10:00 ~ 10:05  -  Jung Hwan Lee, Chairman, President & CEO, Korea
                                      Housing Finance Corporation
 the development of the Asian housing finance market and the securitization sector by
 hosting a meaningful conference and annual meeting to discuss the current status and   10:05 ~ 10:10   Opening Remarks - ASMMA Chairman (MIK CEO)
 future development of the housing finance market in each country.
                          10:10 ~10:18  Photo Session (Business attire)
 As it was adopted in last ASMMA meeting in Mongolia, KHFC will organize the 6th AFIS
                          10:18 ~ 10:20      Introduction of institutions
 and ASMMA annual meeting from Sep 3 to Sep 4, 2019 in Busan, Korea. It will share
 various insights into the future direction of the Asian mortgage finance market in terms   Presentation of ASMMA Members - Main achievements and
                          10:20 ~ 11:40
 of facilitating the primary & secondary mortgage market, ESG(Environmental, Social, and   challenges
 Governance) bonds, and the reverse mortgage system to respond to increasing needs for   Session
 housing welfare and financial inclusion in Asia.   11:40 ~ 12:20   Introduction to Observers - Presentation of observers:
                                     Myanmar, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan (10min)
 For your convenience, KHFC will provide you and one other delegate from Secondary   Luncheon   12:20 ~ 14:00   Luncheon
 Mortgage Corporation with airfares, accommodations, and ground transportations. Please   ASMMA
 find the tentative program schedule of the summit and annual meeting as attached. For   ASMMA Agenda - Adoption of 5th ASMMA annual meeting
 your further inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us.  14:00 ~ 15:00   minutes - 2019 ASMMA Agenda discussion : Voting and
                                     Election for next ASMMA host institution * Remarks of 2020
                                     ASMMA host
 I look forward to seeing you in Busan in September.
                                     ASMMA Closing Ceremony
 Yours Sincerely,                    - Inauguration ceremony : Souvenir Exchange
                  Closing            -  Closing Remarks & Remarks of Outgoing Chairpersonship
                                      (Gantulga Badmkhatan, CEO, Mongolian Mortgage
                          15:00 ~ 15:30
                                     -  Remarks of Incoming Chairpersonship (Jung Hwan Lee,
                                      Chairman, President & CEO, Korea Housing Finance

 Jung Hwan Lee            15:30 ~ 16:00   Photo Session (Korean traditional costume)
 Chairman & Chief Executive Officer   16:30 ~ 18:00  Team Building activities - Yacht Tour
 Korea Housing Finance Corporation
                          18:00 ~ 19:00   Closing Dinner

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