Page 412 - 2019 6th AFIS & ASMMA
P. 412

Gala Dinner Opening Remarks

                                                            Jung Hwan Lee
                                       Chairman, President & CEO, Korea Housing Finance Corporation

               Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, It is indeed a great                                            Asian Secondary Mortgage
            honor and pleasure for me to welcome you all to this gala dinner. As we
            sit here this evening, after a successful and long day of discussion on                                                    Market Association
            issues our industry is facing, I am so privileged to be celebrating today’s
            event. Once again, thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and
            perspectives. I hope that today’s discussions will contribute to policy
            development of respective country.

               Today’s keynote speaker is Luca Bertalot, secretary general of ECBC.
            For moderators, we have professor You Tay Lee, Henny Sender, the chief
            correspondent of Financial Times  and professor Richard Green.  Please
            give them a big round of applause. Thank you very much.

               Korea has truly distinctive four seasons and September is the
            beginning of the autumn and a season when things fatten up and come
            to fruition. As we are seeing harvest and abundance, I hope that you can
            take this gala dinner as an opportunity to enrich our mutual trust and
            cooperative relationship. Once again, a very warm welcome to everyone,
            and I wish you a relaxing evening. Thank you very much.

                                                                                                      2019 6th AFIS & ASMMA
                                                                                                      Annual Meeting
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