Page 249 - 2019 6th AFIS & ASMMA
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Nations, and the social role and public interest of finance are emerging   Congratulatory Remarks
 as top priority across the globe. In line with this trend, the Korean
 government has emphasized strengthening financial inclusion and                    Ceremony  Opening
 housing safety net.
                                                                  Keo-don Oh
 Each session of this Summit will focus on where the mortgage and   Mayor of Busan Metropolitan City
 secondary mortgage markets should be headed for the long-term, in
 the face of such changes of the housing finance environment. The
 activation of fixed income distribution market is a part of reducing
 financial burden, and enhancing financial stability for those without   Good morning distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen. I am Keo-
 home-ownership, or actual residents. And the reverse mortgage system   don Oh, mayor of Busan metropolitan city. I would like to begin by
 is clearly emphasized as a practical solution to the challenges of aging   expressing my gratitude to Mr. Jung Hwan Lee, CEO of Korea Housing
 population and housing stability. Last but not least, Environmental,   Finance Corporation, for hosting this major international conference on
 Social and Governance bond will be discussed for the first time in AFIS,   Housing Finance in Busan. Let me extend my sincerest congratulations
 which will be giving us a good opportunity to expand the secondary   on the opening of AFIS and ASMMA annual meeting. Today we are
 market into society as a whole.
               joined by Mr. Luca Bertalot, Secretary General of ECBC, and many
               leading international financial experts and officers from housing financial
 Distinguished guests, Ladies and gentlemen, I hope that today’s   institutions in Asia. My warmest welcome to you all to the beautiful
 conference will serve as a good opportunity for constructive and   maritime city of Busan.
 forward-looking discussions in developing the role of mortgage finance.
 Once again, thank you very much for your participation. I wish you a   Busan has many advantages to become a future global finance hub.
 fruitful discussion. Thank you.
               First, Busan is a financial hub designated by the Korean government
               along with the capital city of Seoul. In the beginning, we had neither
               hardware nor software infrastructure to effectively support the financial
               industry. However, today we have the Busan International Finance
               Center. BIFC is a 63-floor building, which hosts 30 public institutions
               and private businesses related to finance. I am proud that the BIFC has
               become the largest cluster for financial institutions in Korea. Second,
               Busan is a global logistics hub. We boost the global competitiveness and
               network as a home to the second largest container trans-shipment port
               and the number sixth city in terms of container cargo volume. Third,
               Busan was designated as a special designation zone for blockchain by the
               national government last July. It is true that the blockchain technology

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