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poses challenges to finance, however we believe that more fintech                           Today we are witnessing rapid changes in the international finance
            business based on blockchain technology will be established in the                        market. In this wave of transformation, we should keep moving towards
            coming years.                                                                             the future. I wish the AFIS and ASMMA annual meeting will serve as   Ceremony  Opening
                                                                                                      an important platform to widen networks in the finance industry and
               Therefore, designation of Busan as the special blockchain zone                         further promote the Busan financial hub. I hope you enjoy Busan to the
            will play a crucial role for the growth of the finance industry. Related                  fullest and have a pleasant stay. I wish exchanges between the financial
            businesses will be allowed to develop new technologies without                            experts will be further strengthened on the occasion of today's meeting.
            regulation hurdles. The government will provide tax benefits and                          In closing, I wish you every success. Thank you.
            financial support as well. As a result, we expect to attract a significant
            amount of investment to the local economy. Furthermore, in the era
            of 4th Industrial Revolution, the Busan city government is striving to
            achieve financial innovation. Based on such an infrastructure, Busan is
            making best efforts to attract global capital and financial institutions, and
            to host national conferences on finance. As such, we aim to take a leap
            forward to become a global financial hub. In this regard it is our great
            honor and pleasure to host the AFIS and ASMMA annual meeting in

               Recent large-scale disasters in some Asian countries pose risks to the
            financial market. Busan will make our best efforts to minimize such
            impact. Furthermore, North Korea has entered the irreversible path
            towards openness. In this regard the city government of Busan fully
            recognizes the need to establish North Korea's Development Bank in
            Busan to provide support to North Korea's financial industry. We are
            in active cooperation with the national government on these efforts. In
            addition, Busan will host 2019 Asian ROK Commemorative Summit
            in this coming November. Eleven heads of state, business leaders and
            generations will gather together to discuss how to promote cooperation
            between the participating countries. The summit is expected to provide a
            crucial momentum for us to become a center of global trade and finance
            by further enhancing economic cooperation with our Asian partners.
            Your support and cooperation on this summit will be truly appreciated.

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