Page 252 - 2019 6th AFIS & ASMMA
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Congratulatory Remarks                                                                    as the first Asian country ever to do so. The size of reverse mortgages,
                                                                                                      which provide post-retirement income to the elderly by converting their
                                                                                                      home ownership into a cash flow, has only continued to grow. Pension   Ceremony  Opening
                                                               Sungho Lee                             payouts have, for the first time, topped 1 trillion won, benefiting more

                                          Standing Commissioner at Financial Services Commission
                                                                                                      than sixty thousand households. Trophies are shiny, but we cannot stay

               Distinguished guests, good morning. I am Standing Commissioner                           We still have a large share of loans that are exposed to interest rate
            Sungho Lee of the Financial Services Commission.First and foremost,                       risks, which pushes us to continue to work on improving the interest rate
            please allow me to express my sincere congratulations on the convening                    structures of loans. The financial authorities are planning to provide a 20
            of the 6th Asian Fixed Income Summit. The Asian Fixed Income Summit                       trillion won worth of "Inclusive Relief Loans", which leverages the MBS
            has emerged into a strong financial network among eight institutions,                     issuing abilities of the KHFC to convert floating or semi-fixed rate loans
            spurring cooperation for development of housing finance markets                           into fixed-rate loans. With this, we believe we can ease the borrowers'
            across the globe. This summit holds special significance as it provides a                 burden of repayment, while also shielding them from interest rate risks.
            platform on which housing finance experts from all over Asia can come
            together to share ideas and discuss housing finance related matters, such                   Another challenge Korea's housing finance faces is the unprecedented
            as securitization, reverse mortgages, and more.                                           speed in which aging is taking place in the Korean society. With aging
                                                                                                      in place, Korea is witnessing a fall in the consumption capacity of the
               I would like to express my sincere gratitude to CEO Jung Hwan Lee                      elderly, hence a fall in economic vitality, which then is weighing down
            of Korea Housing Finance Corporation for organizing this meaningful                       as a burden on welfare programs. Reverse mortgages should also be
            event in the beautiful city of Busan, expert panelists for the fruitful                   adjusted in line with such changes; increasing the beneficiaries, easing
            presentations and discussions, and Mayor Geodon Oh of Busan and                           the conditions for applicants, thereby more actively complementing
            distinguished guests for gracing today's event with their presence.Korea                  public pensions.In particular, it is worth reviewing measures to increase
            has witnessed impressive qualitative and quantitative growth in housing                   the payouts to reverse mortgage borrowers by increasing securitization
            finance over the past decade.                                                             that KHFC is currently performing.

               The qualitative structure of loans has improved, with most of them                       The UN declares that the right to adequate housing is a basic human
            now long-term, fixed rate loans. Accordingly, the total origination of                    right, and advises all governments to strive to ensure the right to housing
            home-backed loans leaped from 14 trillion won in 2007 to 118 trillion                     for all. I sincerely hope today's summit will provide a meaningful time
            won in 2018. Mortgage-backed securities issued by the KHFC has not                        to gather ideas to provide everyone with resident stability. I will keep
            only grown in size, but also has achieved qualitative growth, now highly                  the constructive and innovative cases to be brought up later today in
            praised for its social value.                                                             mind, and actively apply them in devising Korea's housing finance and
                                                                                                      securitization policies. Thank you.
               It was certified as a Social Covered Bond, a name given only to bonds
            issued for funding projects that create social value. KHFC has also
            successfully issued euro-denominated social covered bonds last October

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