Page 255 - 2019 6th AFIS & ASMMA
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Congratulatory Message  Congratulatory Message                                     Ceremony  Opening

 Deborah J. Lucas                                            Youngchoon Kim
 Sloan Distinguishied Professor of Finance, MIT           Member of the National Assembly

 Dear Chairman Lee, greetings from across the ocean. I wanted to send   Congratulations on the opening of the Sixth Asian Fixed Income
 you this message to congratulate you and all the wonderful things that are   Summit hosted by Korea Housing Finance Corporation, Korea's
 happening at KHFC under your leadership. As you know I'm especially a   representative housing finance institution. Let me extend my gratitude to
 fan of your home pension product, which I think will do amazing things   President Jung Hwan Lee of Korea Housing Finance cooperation and all
 for the Korean people. I'm sorry to be missing this excellent fixed income   the officials for organizing such a meaningful event and working so hard
 summit but hope to see you again soon. Good luck with everything.  to improve housing welfare and to advance the capital market. During
               today's summit, I hope ways to achieve qualitative growth of the housing
               finance market and its future development directions can be discussed

               by our global experts. I wish all of you health and happiness. Member of
               the National Assembly Kim Youngchoon.

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