Page 277 - 2019 6th AFIS & ASMMA
P. 277

» Moderator  |  You Tay Lee
 Professor of Finance, Pukyong National University

 Hello everyone, this is really a high-tech and I've never done this
 before; it's kind of awkward. I'm You Tae Lee, professor of Finance at
 Pukyong National University located here at Busan. I'm really honored
 and grateful to be a moderator for this very first session of the AFIS.             Session I
 Sustainability, as you already know, is a very important key word and
 so is ESG. So in this session, we will talk about ESG-related practices,
 objectives, policies and the regulatory constraints. It's my great pleasure
 to welcome honorable keynote speaker Luca Bertalot for this session,
 and it's also my honor to introduce a great speaker, Maureen Schuller,
 as the first speaker. She will talk about green covered bonds, which is
 a very new area in Korea. We have a second speaker Colin Chen, who   I would like to address two questions today. As you well know, the
 will talk about the Singaporean real estate market and examples of ESG   covered bond market in Europe is a very important instrument to
 bond issuance. And we have Chae Sun Chung, an expert in social bond   finance mortgage loans. But covered bonds are still far less used by banks
 at Korea Housing Finance Corporation. Mr. Luca finished his keynote   for green financing purposes than senior unsecured bonds. So that is the
 speech in less than 30 minutes, so we have a lot of time, but for an early   first question I would like to address and my second question is whether
 lunch, here is my game plan; For the first 40 minutes, we'll have two   the regulatory developments in Europe will actually support the green
 presentations by Maureen Schuller and Colin Chen, after which we'll   covered bond market going forward.
 have some discussions and open the floor to questions.

 » Speaker  |  Maureen Schuller
 Head of Covered Bond Strategy and Financials Research, ING

 So hello everybody, my name is Maureen Schuller, I'm the Head
 of Financials Research of ING in the Netherlands. I would really like
 to thank the organization, Korean Housing Finance Corporation, for
 inviting me here today and I would also like to compliment them on
 their excellent organization of this Asian Fixed Income Summit.

 I'm very happy to be here today, and to present to you some thoughts
 on where two of the most fascinating worlds come together; the worlds
 of covered bonds and the very important theme of sustainability.

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