Page 278 - 2019 6th AFIS & ASMMA
P. 278

If you look at this particular slide, you can see how the sustainable
            markets in Europe, the sustainable bond markets, are developing. Only
            this year, for the first seven months of the year, we have seen a new
            supply coming through the market, which is in excess of the supply last
            year. But at the same time, if you look at the share of the covered bond
            market, you can see it remains only at 5%, which is remarkably small
            given the size of the covered bond market in Europe. Now I think there                                                                                          Session I
            can be a couple of explanations.

                                                                                                        Another important takeaway for today is this; if you look at the
                                                                                                      overall sustainable bond market in euros, you can see green is heavily
                                                                                                      dominating this bond market, but not so much in the covered bond
                                                                                                      market. In covered bonds, the share of green bond issuance is only
                                                                                                      60 percent. There are a couple of explanations for this. I think the
                                                                                                      most important one is in the telling and finding the eligible loans. As
                                                                                                      you know, covered bonds are primarily used to refinance residential
                                                                                                      mortgage loans, which also means that you need to find a number of
               I think the most obvious explanation is probably the structural                        eligible mortgage loans to create a green pool. A substantial pool of green
            consideration. Namely to print sustainable covered bonds, you not only                    assets is more easily created by selecting larger loans, like for instance,
            need to select a portfolio of eligible sustainable loans, but at the same                 renewable energy loans or commercial real estate assets.
            time, ideally, you also need to make sure these loans meet the criteria
            for the covered  bond collateral pool. That leaves you with a smaller
            potential pool of eligible assets.

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