Page 280 - 2019 6th AFIS & ASMMA
P. 280

But you can also see that the number of countries where we have seen
                                                                                                      social or sustainability issuance is far larger than the number of countries
                                                                                                      where we have seen green issuance. And South Korea, where Korean
                                                                                                      Housing Finance Corporation has actually issued two social bonds in
                                                                                                      euros, is an example of this.                                         Session I

                                                                                                        I will go to this particular slide, because I think one of the important
                                                                                                      aspects for issuers to choose between the senior unsecured market, and
                                                                                                      the covered bond market for the green issuance is probably the access
                                                                                                      to the green investor base. Where is the green investor base?  As you can
                                                                                                      see from the first picture, it is primarily with insurance companies or
                                                                                                      with investment funds. Now the second picture gives you an indication
                                                                                                      of distribution statistics in the senior unsecured market and the covered
               In my view, this is why it is no surprise that Germany was one of the                  bond markets. It nicely illustrates that investors like asset managers and
            first jurisdictions where we saw the first green bond issuance. Because                   insurance companies are a more important investor base for the senior
            German covered bond issuers have collateral pools that are comprised of                   unsecured market than for the covered bond market, where banks are
            both commercial real estate assets and residential real estate assets. Green              the most important investor base. So naturally to gain access to your
            covered bonds issuance against 100% residential green collateral started                  green investor base, it will probably be easier to do so via the senior
            only last year with two issuers from Norway. This year, one additional                    unsecured market than via a covered bond market.
            issue from France was added.

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