Page 289 - 2019 6th AFIS & ASMMA
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But I think what is more complicated is probably has to do the no   Now the final requirements refer to the minimum social safeguards   Session I
 significant harm assessment. Because if you look at the current green   that issuers need to comply. For this purpose, the eight fundamental
 covered bond market, there are only a few programs that actually discuss   conventions of the International Labor Organization were chosen. And
 negative impacts at all, and where they do, they definitely don't discuss   here it will prove really hard for issuers to actually prove that they meet
 all the "do no significant harm" criteria, proposed by the Technical Expert   all eight conventions. So, the question is, is it sufficient that an issuer
 Group. And I think that if you would ask an issuer to identify, on a loan   signs up to these conventions? Does it actually need to prove that it
 by loan basis, whether in the case of a construction, whether actually 80   meets all the criteria, not only on a known entity level, but also on its
 percent of the ways were reuse of recycled, or whether where a building   project level? And I think that if you would have to do that as an issuer,
 is built in a water-scarce area, that of water consumption is indeed only   that would be quite challenging, particularly within criteria such as equal
 80 percent of the average, it would be very hard for them to prove.   remuneration for instance.

 So, I think if I read through the proposals of the Technical Expert
 Group, the idea is to take a more pragmatic approach, because they say
 that a lot of their criteria are already built on existing regulation. So, what
 this would actually mean for green bond issuers is that they just need to
 check as of what date these regulatory requirements do make reference to
 these specific "do no significant harm" criteria.

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