Page 294 - 2019 6th AFIS & ASMMA
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In some sort of real estate demand, this is where I will detract slightly                I will now move the presentation to the green bond market in        Session I
            and talk about commercial real estate as well, if we have what we call                    Singapore. Now Singapore views itself as a financing hub in Asia,
            the result of a control residential mortgage market, we see on the other                  complementing the rest of our partner countries in the Asia Pacific
            side of the coin, that the commercial real estate market continued to see                 region and the ASEAN region, and what we, the government, do
            inflows in Singapore. So, this is defined as office and commercial real                   is to work with the private sector to promote what we call the right
            estate, and we see basically new money coming from outside Singapore,                     way of financing. Now we've talked about incentives and I would say
            investing in commercial real estate. This is evidence in the donut (chart)                encouraging private sector to embrace green, and we have now expanded
            on the right. So, this is a snapshot of the Singapore real estate market.                 green to sustainable.
            I've taken a deeper dive on where the residential mortgage market is,
            and how Singapore controls affordability in the residential mortgage                        So, in Singapore, we have had green bonds issued by a large part the
            market. Just as an aside, the affordability rate in Singapore comes in                    real estate companies and the banks or financial services sector. The
            about 50 percent, so it is a ratio that we monitor quite closely, to provide              government's partnership intent is to provide what we call financial
            affordable housing from a social standpoint.                                              incentives. We are devious. We have aligned our sustainability according
                                                                                                      to responsible banking, responsible corporate citizenship, we are talking
                                                                                                      about creating social impact, and we want to be the employer choice and
                                                                                                      these are the pillars in the sustainable development goals.

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