Page 303 - 2019 6th AFIS & ASMMA
P. 303

» Moderator  |  You Tay Lee   information with the market participants, including the frequent issuers
 Okay, that's a detailed explanation of what's going on. The ESG   like KHFC. In addition, Korea Exchange announced a plan to establish
 investment market in Korea is still not so much noticeable. The ESG   their registration requirements and procedures to be registered as ESG
 market I'd say is just in its infancy. And it is expected that institutional   bond. So, it is indicated they want to play a role in development of the
 investors in the Korean public sector may lead the expansion of the   ESG bond market. At the same time, they are in the process to prepare
 overall ESG investor market in the country, so please make some   the internal regulations and guidelines regarding their bond registration,
 comments on the major developments in the Korean capital market to   so we hope to obtain the related information soon. As a leader in the   Session I
 promote the ESG-base responsible investment.   social bond sector, we want to communicate closely with the Korea
               Exchange on developing their internal guidelines.

 » Panelist  |  Chae Sun Chung
 It is quite slow, but we found major two developments. One relates   » Moderator  |  You Tay Lee
 to the national funds plan, and the other is the that of Korea Exchanges.   Thank you for the very detailed and excellent explanation of what's
 The first one; it is quite notable that the National Pension Fund   going on in Korea. Meanwhile, we have two questions from the floor, to
 announced their plan to vitalize the responsible investment in general.   all of you. Have you seen any interest rate benefits for green bonds versus
 So, considering the dominant presence of the national pension fund,   regular conventional bond? Maureen, is that a question you want to
 other pension funds or their asset management companies will have a   answer?
 very keen interest in the change of investment policies of the national
 pension funds. There is high possibility that national pension fund may
 request the asset management companies to establish principles and   » Panelist  |  Maureen Schuller
 policies of responsible investment. In addition, the national pension fund   Yes, I can answer that from an analytical point of view, because, I
 is likely to request the asset management companies to establish a clear   think, to see actually a pricing differential for green versus non-green
 ESG investment decision-making process. This means the other pension   bonds in a secondary market, it's obviously a different thing from actually
 funds will follow the direction set by the National Pension Fund. There   printing a green bond with a price differential versus non-green bonds in
 should be a very strong incentive to change their investment policies to   a primary market. But during my presentation, I briefly showed a slide
 broaden their responsible investment in general.   which nicely illustrates, that particular for the older transactions, if you
               look at current secondary market pricing, that they actually, in senior,
 The second one is related with the Korea Exchange. The institution   trade quite significantly through the non-green bonds, and there are a few
 announced their plan to support the development of the ESG bond   explanations for it. And I think one of the most important explanation is
 market. In Korea, there is some, albeit small, ESG stock market. But   also the differences in size of the bonds. Because the older green bonds
 the ESG bond market in Korea is still quite a new area where we have   tend to have a smaller 500 million sizes in euros, while adjacent non-
 just started. Korea Exchange has decided to support the development of   green bonds have 1 billion size. So, if you compare a smaller size with
 the ESG bond market. So, they are planning to create a special section   a broader investor base, or with more months for the bond, then that is
 dedicated to social, green, and sustainability bonds for each by the end   a natural explanation why these bonds, particularly older ones traded
 of the first half of next year. To my understanding, they already prepared   through non-green and secondary. So, there is, indeed, pricing differential
 a preliminary report with internal guidelines. I think they will share that   in secondary for some of the bonds, particularly the older ones.

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