Page 301 - 2019 6th AFIS & ASMMA
P. 301

value of your house, so normally you buy the house and you keep the   or to be used as the collateral for the issuance of MBS or a covered
 house for at least 10 years. In UK, the transaction costs are very little, so   bond, we found that the purchased transaction complies with all the
 a property can move into the market much quicker than in Belgium. So,   requirements of the social bond principles set forth by ICMA. So, we
 we have these different situations, and we try to ask cities, regions, and   started to establish a social financing framework, and started to issue the
 countries to help borrowers to have a green package.   covered bonds.

 For example, if you want to renew the house, the bank can help   In case of the issuance of social covered bonds, the main driver   Session I
 you with some extra money. But the real money should come from   is broadening the investor base. Just as I mentioned, in last year, we
 incentives, for example, for energy, for solar panels, for making some   completed quite successfully the issuance of social covered bonds that
 works for putting the heat pumping in the house, or doing the isolation.   was denominated by the euro currency. This was the first issuance of
 So if you sum together the money coming from the city government of   social covered bonds by an Asian issuer, and also the first euro covered
 Brussels and the money coming from my bank, it's really creating an   bond by Korean issuer. In June this year, we completed a second issuance
 advantage for the borrower to move up the energy efficiency. So that's the   of social covered bonds. It was quite successful, and the currency was
 idea behind our story.   also the euro. And we got credit rating from S&Ps, and we filed the
               ECBC covered bond label. In particular, I want to note that on the
               second issuance, our corporation was recognized as a qualifying issuer
 » Moderator  |  You Tay Lee   by the Singaporean government authority, and received financial benefits
 Okay now to Chae Sun Chung. I understand the Korea Housing   provided by the Asian Bond Grant Scheme.
 Finance Corporation issues mortgage-backed securities and covered
 bonds in the form of social bonds, so please, introduce KFHC's activities   In the domestic bond market, our business strategy was to become
 as the issuer of social bonds in both Korean and overseas bond markets.   the market leader in the initial formation of ESG bond market, which
               was also the key driver. It's a little bit different from the issuance of
               the covered bond. In the domestic market, we already have an enough
               investor base. So, the purpose of the issuance of social MBS is not to
 » Panelist  |  Chae Sun Chung   broaden our investor base. I just mentioned the main key driver is to
 Executive Director, Korea Housing Finance Corporation   be the key market leader in the evolution of ESG bond market. The
               issuance of green bonds by Korea Development Bank last year was the
 Okay, considering the speakers and panelists in our session, my role   first issuance of the ESG bonds in Korea. Up to July this year, the total
 seems to be making some comments on the general evolution of ESG   issuance of ESG bonds in the domestic bond market amounted to slightly
 investment in Korean market. First, let me update you on the activities of   over nine trillion won. The issuance of KHFC social MBS accounted
 the Korea Housing Finance Corporation. As the issuer of social bonds,   for over 70 percent of the total issuance, including the green bonds or
 we started to issue the covered bonds in overseas market from 2010, and   sustainability bonds. I would say ESG bond market has just started, and
 we issued euro-denominated social covered bonds just last year. And our   the KHFC is a market leader in the social bond sector.
 corporation started to issue Korean won-denominated social MBS in
 the domestic market from just March this year. Having recognized the
 purchase of the underlying long-term fixed-rate mortgages to securitize,

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