Page 299 - 2019 6th AFIS & ASMMA
P. 299

» Panelist  |  Luca Bertalot   Sorry for taking a bit of time but in valuation, it's a key element that
 This is a very relevant question. We believe that we have to review   has to be modified. Also the technological aspects, like Fintech, Block-
 the entire value chain of the production of the mortgages. An essential   chain technology, should come in our market to improve transparency at
 part is the evaluation. Because nowadays, if you go to Europe, if you go   the end of the day.
 to evaluate their property and the energy efficiency, the valuers are not
 factoring in the valuation of the changing of the heating system or the
 changing of the windows. So, investing today, if you invest money on   » Moderator  |  You Tay Lee   Session I
 energy efficiency, you are a bit wasting money in the sense that the valuer   Yes, I hope you solve the 'Heat or Eat' dilemma. Any more comments
 doesn't see this as a kind of monetary impact. For us, this is very wrong,   on this?
 because on the contrary valuation methods should capture the increase
 of energy performance in the evaluation. So we are asking the valuation
 committee to propose new parameters that include energy efficiency   » Panelist  |  Maureen Schuller
 parameters in the evaluation.   Yeah, I think, Luca, you addressed this. Like if you have energy
               efficient mortgage loans, you are likely to have a lower probability of
 Just to take a very concrete example; I just bought a house, and I wanted   default and a lower probability of default is driven by the fact that the
 to isolate the facade of my house. The gentleman who came to me said he   potential price rise or potential price decline question for an energy-
 wanted to make the work, but they advised against it, because if you resell   efficient house is better, but also on the energy use. So, you pay less
 the house, no one is putting value on the works that you are doing. So   on your energy bill and have more disposable income. I think these
 nowadays the real-estate agencies are not capturing this kind of evaluation.   two concepts are really important. The only thing where I have my
 Why this? Because the value chain is not ready to give money for this kind   question mark is once the house transfers from owner, so once the
 of improvement. What we would like to do in Europe is that if the bank   energy efficiency is already built in the price, so owner A has actually
 is requiring you to make the changes, the bank will give you a special   managed to benefit from that potential price rise, and owner B that buys
 condition. So automatically, there will be a real value into the market in   a house has a lower loan-to-value ratio. So, for that particular owner,
 making the innovation in your house. Nowadays, it's not working like   the probability of default prospects from more stable LTVs or potential
 we would like to see it, and as long as we don't remove this problem for   further rising LTV levels may disappear. That's the only question.
 devaluation, we cannot push for real risk assessment procedures.

 So, here is what we are doing; we are proposing to all the European   » Panelist  |  Luca Bertalot
 banks or all the pilot phase banks new valuation methods to help   We are also very aware that we cannot move a house from G to B in
 banks to support this kind of monetization of the energy efficiency   one go, so what we would like to propose is that by working together,
 improvement. Only by doing this, we can create more energy efficiency   public institution and banks, we can create a green incentive package
 assets that can be used for green cover bonds or green securitization.   for borrowers, in order to move up gradually. So, the first borrower will
 Because the reality is, nowadays, we have a very little amount of asset   move the house from G to F; they're the one that will move the house
 fully eligible for energy efficiency purposes. So, the demand for investors   from F to E. That's the idea. Then we have to be aware that in Europe
 is quite limited, because we don't have certified asset to demonstrate to   the transaction costs for a house can be quite high. So, for example, in
 the investors that the residential space is really green.   Belgium, transaction costs when you buy a house is 18 percent of the

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