Page 335 - 2019 6th AFIS & ASMMA
P. 335

As I said, I think as an agenda, housing has really risen over the last few   Session II
 I've got a couple of conclusions, lessons learned from the World   years. We somewhat overstretch now in terms of requests we're getting
 Bank's side. One of the lessons that we've learned both from India and   in. The dark green countries are where we've got active projects, the light
 other projects is that for housing projects to work, for housing policies   green ones where it's likely that we're going to have an active project in the
 to work, you need to take this holistic view across the whole value chain,   next few years. It's an exciting time base. It's kind of challenging as well.
 and I think this echoes some of the points that Matthias was making. And
 I think in the World Bank, we are guilty at some points of being in silos,
 so my unit, we'd work on the financing side, and my urban colleagues
 would work on the housing supply side. Now we systematically work
 across the whole value chain, right from the land issues, raw materials
 production, mining, timber, roof tiles, really looking at that sort of level
 of detail through to the financing, and end user of finance, and then the
 wholesale finance from capital markets. It's only when you put all of this
 together that you get a working solution.

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