Page 339 - 2019 6th AFIS & ASMMA
P. 339

the state level, which does complicate things. In India, for instance,   » Panelist  |  Simon Walley
 our project had much more success in Rajasthan, and we try to create   Yes. Another state is Madhya Pradesh. It tends to percolate through
 competition between the states to have the best results, by making it   all aspects of governments; if they're good at something, they are likely
 an exemplary case and say, "Look at what Rajasthan has been able to   to have other efficient, and effective areas, such as land, transport, and
 achieve, why don't you try some of this in Tamil Nadu, and look at how   social security. Essentially, it is just a good government that creates the
 Rajasthan was able to succeed."   right enabling environment.

 » Moderator  |  Henny Sender  » Moderator  |  Henny Sender
 Why do you think that Rajasthan worked so well? What was it about?   One of the lessons we might conclude from your comment seems
 Was it a few individuals, was it the government, or was it some private   to be the need for flexibility. So, if we have a problem at one level, we   Session II
 sector organization?  What made Rajasthan so successful?  should try another level, right? Of government.

 » Panelist  |  Simon Walley  » Panelist  |  Simon Walley
 It's a mix of things. There are probably nine states in India where our   Yes, exactly. Like I said, I take the view to go with whatever works,
 projects were particularly very effective. The big difference in Rajasthan   and I tend not to have theoretical models; you have to be adaptable. In
 is the land. They're able to provide titles of the land to the banks.  addition, be conscious of the fact that one of the difficulties with housing
               finance is to take a very long-term view. It's a long-term investment; the
               people in charge of it, the politicians, have a short-term view, they're
 » Moderator  |  Henny Sender  looking at the next election. So, you can't be too theoretical about
 It's that infrastructure, the title, the formal property.  solutions or recommendations. At the same time, you need to have
               things that play with the political imperatives. The balancing act can be
               difficult, but that's how you get results.
 » Panelist  |  Simon Walley
 Being able to access the land, even if you are poor, means that you
 can use the property as collateral for lenders, on which they're able to   » Moderator  |  Henny Sender
 foreclose. That really made the difference.  In addition, there are very   Yes, I think we struggle with both infrastructure and housing.
 dynamic, very forward-thinking institutions that we had this initial pilot   Politicians think in terms of election cycles but housing and
 with. That really made the difference.  infrastructure need more long-term. I'm going to pick up on one more
               point before I turn to you, Olivier, and that is your mention of jobs.
               Because as we discussed over breakfast, in a country like India, it's a win-
 » Moderator  |  Henny Sender  win situation both on the supply and the demand side. In India, because
 It's interesting because Rajasthan has relatively good roads infrastructure.   the population is so young, you have a million young people coming
 You can get affordable land and you can also get people jobs precisely,   on to the job markets every month. Many of those one million people
 because they have better transport than a lot of other states.  are moving to the cities. And most of them are unskilled. They are the

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