Page 388 - 2019 6th AFIS & ASMMA
P. 388

» Panelist  |  Tyler T. Yang
                                                                                                        Yes, I think for pricing purpose, breakeven should be the right
                                                                                                      concept. But, it was great point to raise the question. Given the payoff is
                                                                                                      the asymmetric to the house price appreciation, they're just taking the
                                                                                                      expected house price to draw your breakeven rate, which can be biased.
                                                                                                      Since we took over the HECM actuarial review, we actually use the
                                                                                                      Monte Carlo simulation to find out the break-even point, by calculating
                                                                                                      expected losses as per different potential house price appreciation rate.

                                                                                                      » Moderator  |  Richard K. Green
                                                                                                        But even so, there still may be a tail of losses in the extreme cap. So
                                                                                                      at what extent do you want to limit that extreme tail, or do you want to
                                                                                                      limit it?                                                             Session III

                                                                                                      » Panelist  |  Tyler T. Yang
                                                                                                        Yeah, if we are dealing this with a private market, to get a Triple A
                                                                                                      rating, we need to have 99.5 percent risk bar. But for the government,
                                                                                                      which has social responsibilities, we expand that to 5 percent and 10
                                                                                                      percent far, which will basically be 90 to 95 percent confidence. That will
                                                                                                      become their capital requirement.

                                                                                                      » Moderator  |  Richard K. Green
                                                                                                        Okay, thanks. Let's move on to our discussants. First, we're going to
                                                                                                      have In Seong Hwang from our host organization for this conference. Say
                                                                                                      a few words?
            » Moderator  |  Richard K. Green
               Okay, thank you, Tyler. So, let me ask you one question before we
            move on to our discussants. Do you think breakeven is the right aim                       » Panelist  |  In Seong Hwang
            or should we mind tail risk? Whether you subsidize or not, given the                        Head of Housing Finance Research Institute, Korea Housing Finance Corporation
            expected return, there's a 50% or more chances where everything's going
            to be fine. But, there is also a chance that the size of the losses expands                 Yes, it's a very nice and intuitive session, so I am very glad to
            substantially when something goes badly wrong, which would be of                          participate in the discussion and talk about our product. Okay, I
            interest particularly with regards to taxpayer supporting programs.                       prepared some slides, so let me start.

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