Page 391 - 2019 6th AFIS & ASMMA
P. 391

And the reason for this, most of all, is that Korean seniors have much
               less support from the government. Korea lagged behind other countries
               in the introduction of its National Pension Scheme, which was adopted
               in 1988 only for employees, then the coverage in 1998 to include all
               people. So about 80% of the pension subscribers has paid in for less than
               20 years and the amount the monthly annuity income from national
               pension plan is just $500. As a result, it consists less than 30 percent of
               the post retirement income, which is only a half of the OECD averaging
               over 60 percent. But fortunately, most seniors are homeowners. While
               overall home ownership rate is 58 percent, for seniors, the home
               ownership rate is much higher, 76 percent. So by converting the real
               estate into cash flow, many seniors have additional income they need for
               their later lives. So in this sense, the reverse mortgage is a very effective
               solution in Korea to poverty in retirement, as well as easing the financial
               burden on the government.                                             Session III

                 Now I'd like to briefly explain what Korea Housing Finance
 Let me begin with the rapid demographic changes facing in Korea   Corporation is doing to achieve this. We have been contributing to
 now. As you can see, Korea is aging very fast due to low birthrate and   enhancing the welfare of people by providing best housing finance
 rising life expectancies. In 2000, Korea entered the aging society, where   services. As one of the services, we provide guarantees for the seniors'
 population aged or 65 or older took up 7%. And last year, we came on   reverse mortgage loans, so that they can have additional income to spend
 aged society when that figure reached 14%. Moreover, in 2025, in six   for their daily lives. So for this purpose, in 2007, we raised the fund
 years from now, we are expecting Korean society will be classified as a   called a reverse mortgage guarantee account with government grants
 super-aged one. So indeed Korea is aging very fast, faster than any other   and contributions from financial institutions. And we studied the reverse
 countries. It is expected to take only 26 years to go from aging society to   mortgage businesses with 10 million dollars in that account at the time.
 a super-aged one.  In the first year in 2007, we had only 515 senior subscribers, but with
               the baby boomers are starting to retire, the number of reverse mortgage
 To compared with other countries; for France, it took 154 years, and in   subscribers is increasing rapidly.
 the United States, 94 years. And even for Japan, which has been severely
 affected by shocks of rapid population aging, it took 36 years. So given the
 fact that the elderly will account for one fifth of the total population in six
 years, how they can live their later lives is a serious challenge both for our
 society and our economy. And unfortunately, we have been poorly prepared.
 Many seniors are suffering from poverty after retirement; according to the
 2016 OECD report, the poverty rate of seniors in Korea is surprisingly 47%.
 It is almost four times higher than the OECD average.

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