Page 397 - 2019 6th AFIS & ASMMA
P. 397

The same goes for our interest rate change. When a long-term interest
 changes, as a central banker, we hope that the short-term interest change
 is not as unexpected as long-term interest change, but still a long-term
 interest can be unexpected. Also, due to global financial synchronization,
 all the national financial markets move together in a synchronized way
 these days, so international diversification won't help much in this case.

                 An observation I made is that it is subsidized by the government. But
               such subsidy goes to homeowners who are usually wealthier than non-   Session III
               homeowners, so it gives some strange implication that the government
               subsidy goes to wealthy people than not so wealthy people. In a worse
               case, subsidy may end up benefiting financial companies instead of
               homeowners, so we have to be careful about it. So based on these
               observations, here are my thoughts on what reverse mortgage should be.
 Mostly by providing liquidity and providing insurance, reverse
 mortgages can smooth consumption. But which consumption? Housing
 consumption may not be smoothed because homeowners are, I don't
 know if they are allowed or forced to stay in their homes, but for reverse
 mortgage that's the idea; allowing homeowners to stay at their own
 home. So that may lead to less than optimal consumption for goods and
 services because the level of housing consumption cannot be changed,
 hence consumption for goods and services as well cannot be adjusted

                 First, it is again a government subsidized program, so it has to be a
               public good; it has to benefit not some, but all people in general public.
               Also, it has to indigenize house price dynamics and demographic

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