Page 394 - 2019 6th AFIS & ASMMA
P. 394

Finance Corporation. So, we apply a floating interest rate, which is COFIX                  First, reverse mortgage provides liquidity. But my observation on
            plus 0.85%, which is currently about 2.5%. It's quite low, and lower than                 that point is that some houses are already liquid in terms of the ease of
            the prime mortgage rate. Because we are not the lender, we cannot directly                sale. For example, Korean apartments, so to speak, apartment units, are
            supply reverse mortgages to the borrowers, but we do everything we can. So,               very standardized, so they look very alike. So, sometimes people buy an
            in that sense, we, on behalf of the government, directly supply the reverse               apartment unit without even looking at it. It's very standardized and very
            mortgages to the consumers.                                                               similar. To buy and sell a unit is very easy, so in that sense, it is already
                                                                                                      very liquid. So, additional liquidity provided by reverse mortgage would
                                                                                                      be very marginal in that case.
            » Moderator  |  Richard K. Green
               Thank you very much for those very helpful comments and for                              Another point I observed is that the usual traditional dictum especially
            explaining how the system works in Korea. So, to finish up our                            in Korea goes, "Wealth should be buried in a house or in a land". So, in
            presentations, to get a macro view and how housing finance interacts                      that sense, people may not prefer liquidity over illiquidity. Sometimes
            with the macro market, we have a Jun Han Kim from the Bank of Korea.                      people prefer illiquid assets, so providing liquidity may have some
                                                                                                      unintended effects.

            » Panelist  |  Jun Han Kim                                                                                                                                      Session III
               General Manager, Busan Branch, The Bank of Korea

               Before I start, I'd like to thank the organizer for having me. It's a great
            pleasure to be here. Today, I'm going to talk about my observation about
            reverse mortgage and some thoughts based on that observation; what
            reverse mortgage should be.

                                                                                                        Another observation is, as the other speakers already said, reverse
                                                                                                      mortgage provides insurance. But reverse mortgage reduces individual
                                                                                                      risk or idiosyncratic risks by pooling, but there still remains macro risks;
                                                                                                      for example, average house price changes that cannot be ensured, or
                                                                                                      average change in longevity that cannot be ensured.

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