Page 398 - 2019 6th AFIS & ASMMA
P. 398

changes. What I mean by that is the very existence of reverse mortgage
            may have an effect on house price dynamics, although it may not have
            a direct effect on demographic changes. But in order to have reverse
            mortgage that reflects the macro economy in a more appropriate way,
            you have to indigenize house price dynamics and reflect feedback on
            effects of the reverse mortgage on the house price dynamics.

               Also, you have to improve efficiency by smoothing housing
            consumption. Like I said, smoothing other goods and services
            consumption is good, but you also have to smooth housing consumption
            by, for example, allowing the adjustment of homes in some way. In
            addition, you have to devise an optimal level of government subsidy to
            everyone's benefit. So that's why the government subsidized this program
            to begin with.
                                                                                                        The last point I'd like to make is that reverse mortgage has to work   Session III
                                                                                                      with forward mortgage. Homeowners put all their wealth in equity of
                                                                                                      their own homes, so in a portfolio choice, there's no diversification. So
                                                                                                      homeowners are having too much risk. It's kind of an odd fact in housing
                                                                                                      finance; reverse mortgage should help reduce the risk, and it does help
                                                                                                      reduce that risk, yet reverse mortgage assumes these homeowners have
                                                                                                      a high level or full equity to begin with. So I thought, ‘what if houses are
                                                                                                      purchased with some shared equity scheme?’ Then you wouldn’t have to
                                                                                                      accumulate equity that much in the first place. Later on you know you can
                                                                                                      liquefy on that equity, but you only need to accumulate less equity which is
                                                                                                      less costly to own a home. Hence the equity you would have accumulated
                                                                                                      can be freed up to fund a retirement plan. I am not sure if this feasible, but
                                                                                                      these were my thoughts on the reverse mortgage. Thank you.

               Other thoughts I had on the reverse mortgage is that it has to have a
            lower transaction cost, obviously. Higher costs may be the main reason                    » Moderator  |  Richard K. Green
            in some country why reverse mortgage did not catch up. Also, there                          Thank you very much. It's always good to have an economist
            should be benefits from pooling, which reduces the individual risks.                      skepticism as part of a conversation. I'm going to come back to that in a
            The benefits from pooling may not be big enough to cover all the costs,                   minute. I do want to put up this. This is not a question, it's a comment
            and that’s where the government subsidy comes in. And we should be                        from a member of the audience, but I really like it. "It looks like the
            aware that an excessively complicated scheme may end up benefitting                       adverse selection is an issue of the lender not the borrowers, when
            middlemen only.                                                                           the lender can decide whether to sell the loans to FHA." I thought that

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