Page 403 - 2019 6th AFIS & ASMMA
P. 403

» Panelist  |  Tyler T. Yang
 There is a difference between how it should be priced theoretically
 and how it can be priced in reality. Because when the model becomes
 too complicated, the lender or the government has problem of telling the
 society why it's priced this way. So they have to make the complex model
 to get the result and then find a simple way to explain it, as if they were
 derived that way.

 » Panelist  |  Jun Han Kim
 When it comes to the modeling, actually central bankers are very
 good at it, because they devised a very complicated and sophisticated
 model called DSGE(Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium) model.
 But unfortunately that model deals with the business cycle, which means
 there's quite less than 15 years for sure. So we know a little bit about the        Session III
 business cycle horizon dynamics, but beyond that, we have no idea.

 » Moderator  |  Richard K. Green
 Given how well Korea got through the financial crisis, the Bank of
 Korea is clearly much wiser about modeling strategy than other central
 banks. But the thing about DSGE models is that they can't explain about
 productivity shocks, and that's not all that helpful if you're trying to
 figure out what to do with the product. That could hang around for 40
 years. So on that not particularly optimistic note, I see we're running
 out of time, and you never want to be a panel that keeps people late
 to dinner. So thank you very much for your kind attention to our
 concluding panel of the afternoon. Let's give them a round of applause.

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