Page 406 - 2019 6th AFIS & ASMMA
P. 406

AFIS Closing Remarks

                                                            Jung Hwan Lee
                                       Chairman, President & CEO, Korea Housing Finance Corporation

               Distinguished guests, it is my utmost pleasure being able to                             In this regard, Mr. Luca’s keynote speech and presentations of session
            successfully conclude the 6th Asian Fixed Income Summit. I would like                     1 gave us constructive and future-oriented insights in expanding the
            to take a moment to acknowledge all our distinguished guests who have                     Asian mortgage market into new territories such as environmental,
            made this event a success.                                                                social, and governance bond.

               First, I would like to extend my special thanks to Mr. Luca Bertalot,                    In session 2, discussed how to deliver affordable housing and provide
            Secretary General of European Covered Bond Council, who kicked                            adequate housing in the region. In session 3, I believe that we have been
            off this conference through his keynote speech. Moreover, I greatly                       inspired by new and diverse ideas on where the reverse mortgage should
            and sincerely appreciate moderators; professor You Tay Lee for the 1st                    be going, as a source of income for seniors, in this era of aging society.   Ceremony  Closeing
            session, Henny Sender, chief correspondent of Financial Times and
            professor Richard Green for the second and third session respectively. I                    Let me conclude by giving you my special thanks to all of you for
            also thank many presenters and panelists for sharing their outstanding                    being here with us today, and I look forward to seeing all of you in
            presentations, discussions and insights on the future direction of housing                Kazakhstan, 2020. Thank you.

               Last but not least, I would like to express my gratitude to all heads of
            ASMMA members and all the delegates who grace us with their presence.
            I believe that today’s conference was a tremendous opportunity to see
            where our industry stands and should be headed for. As I told you in my
            opening address, this industry is faced with societal changes, such as the
            polarization of the housing market and aging population, together with
            changes surrounding housing finance derived from uncertainty of the
            global economy. Against this background, now is the time for us to join
            forces together.

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