Page 411 - 2019 6th AFIS & ASMMA
P. 411

Welcome Reception Opening Remarks

 Jung Hwan Lee
 Chairman, President & CEO, Korea Housing Finance Corporation

 Good evening, Ladies and gentlemen, I am Jung Hwan Lee,   In addition, next two days you will see Busan city, which is Korea’s
 Chairman and CEO of Korea Housing Finance Corporation. It gives me   second largest city, boasting the biggest port in Korea, and beautiful
 a great pleasure to extend a warm welcome to all distinguished guests,   beaches and mountains, and spectacular night scenery.
 and I would like to thank you all for taking such a long journey to be
 here, Busan, Korea. I hope that you had a nice and comfortable trip, but   Distinguished guests, Edith Wharton, an American author said that
 with a slight inconvenient flight itinerary.  “There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror
               that reflects it.” If every one of you takes a role of the mirror that reflects
 I would like to express my special gratitude to Mr. Luca Bertalot, the   light with each other, our efforts to vitalize housing finance will shine
 Secretary General of European Covered Bond Council (ECBC), who   much brighter. I will do my best to ensure that your stay will be fruitful   Appendix
 accepted my suggestion at Riga, Latvia, to deliver a keynote speech in   and memorable. Please make yourself at home and feel free to exchange
 the 6th Asia Fixed Income Summit tomorrow. Also, my special thanks   thoughts and opinions among participants. Once again, a very warm
 go to moderators, presenters and panelists who will share their valuable   welcome to everyone here today. Please enjoy your evening. Thank you
 insights and perspectives with us. Mr. Gantulga Badamkhatan, the   very much.
 Chairman of ASMMA and CEO of Mongolian MIK, And all the leaders
 of ASMMA member delegations and participants,

 Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule. This moment
 is very exciting for me as I see familiar faces of my old friends since we
 have built trust and respect for many years. As you are well aware, the
 Asian Fixed Income Summit and the Asian Secondary Mortgage Market
 Association annual meeting serve as a venue to advance the Asian
 mortgage market and promote mutual cooperation. Since 2014, we have
 continued our exchanges since 2014 and shared various experiences and
 knowledge to help develop and grow the regional mortgage market. My
 hope is that the next two-day meetings will help us solidify and advance
 cooperation in the mortgage finance sector.

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