Page 431 - 2019 6th AFIS & ASMMA
P. 431

                 Under this scheme, Cagamas purchases the mortgage assets and hire purchase
                 assets from counterparties on an outright basis for the remaining tenure of
                 the respective assets purchased. The purchases are made without recourse
                 to counterparties, other than certain warranties to be provided by the seller
                 pertaining to the quality of the assets. As of 31 December 2018, this scheme
                 reported total consolidated assets of MYR12.0 billion ($2.9 billion) and accounted
                 for 36.1% of the company’s total external revenue in 2018.
               ▧ Issuance of Corporate Bonds and Sukuk
                 Cagamas taps into the capital markets to funds its purchases through the
                 issuance of corporate bonds and sukuk in the form of fixed and floating rate
                 bonds, discounted notes and sukuk. To manage liquidity risk, Cagamas issues
                 corporate bonds and sukuk that is closely matched against corresponding
                 cashflows and maturity profiles of its portfolio of purchased loans and financing.
 | COMPANY |     All corporate bonds and sukuk issued by Cagamas are unsecured, and rank
 Cagamas Berhad   pari passu among themselves. As of 31 December 2018, the company had
                 cumulatively issued MYR317.6 billion of bonds and sukuk since its incorporation.
 | CEO |
 Datuk Chung Chee Leong   ▧ Mortgage Guarantee Programme
                 In line with the Malaysia government’s priority to promote affordable housing
                 to the nation, Cagamas SRP Berhad (CSRP) offers mortgage guarantee as
                 a “first loss” protection on residential mortgage portfolio of the Financial
 » Vision        Institutions (FIs). The guarantee reduces the credit risk of the FI’s housing loans
                 and financing and thus reduces the capital charge. From the house buyer’s
 To promote homeownership and contribute   perspective, the guarantee serves as a useful facility to enable them to obtain
 towards nation development   up to 110% financing from the FIs to own their first home through Skim Rumah
                 Pertamaku (My First Home Scheme; SRP) and Skim Perumahan Belia (Youth
                 Housing Scheme; SPB). Since the launch of SRP and SPB in year 2011 and 2015
 » Main Business  respectively, CSRP has provided guarantee for housing loans and financing
                 totalling RM3.7 billion enabling 17,743 individuals/households to own their first
 ▧ PWR           house, of which 29% are from the B40 segment.                       Session I

 Under this scheme, Cagamas purchases mortgage loans, personal loans,
 hire purchase and leasing debts and Islamic financing facilities such as home
 financing, hire purchase financing and personal financing from primary
 lenders with recourse to the primary lenders should the loans and financing
 fail to comply with agreed prudential eligibility criteria. As of 31 December
 2018, this scheme reported total consolidated assets of MYR32.8 billion
 ($7.9 billion) and accounted for 63.9% of the company’s total external
 revenue in 2018

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