Page 433 - 2019 6th AFIS & ASMMA
P. 433

▧ Housing loan insurance business
                 Support smooth origination of housing loans by private financial institutions
                 by providing insurance to private financial institutions that covers housing
                 loan losses due to unexpected events.

               ▧  Loan origination business (Policy-related loans including
                 loans for disaster recovery and urban development loans)
                 Support the following areas by originating loan by JHF
 Japan           1)  reconstruction of houses affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake
                   and other natural disasters
                 2)  urban development projects and projects that facilitate the improvement
                   of urban functions and enhance disaster-resilience of houses
                 3)  construction of rental houses for stable living for families with children
                   and the elderlies.
 | COMPANY |     ▧ Group credit life insurance business
 Japan Housing Finance Agency
                 Provide security for borrowers of Flat 35 (Purchase Program) and JHF
                 originated loans by providing insurance and redeeming the outstanding
 | President |    housing loan.
 Toshio Kato
               ▧ Promotion of quality houses
                 Promote quality houses by requiring conformity to the technical standards
 » Vision        for houses eligible for Flat 35 and JHF loans.
 Under independent, transparent, and efficient management, we provide   ▧ Management of legacy GHLC loans
 various kinds of financial services to provide liquidity in the housing finance   Conduct appropriate management of legacy GHLC loans that were
 market, and thus contribute to the improvement of housing in our country   transferred to JHF in 2007.
 in pursuit of the creation of customer values.
               ▧ International business
                 Exchange information on financial instruments with our counterparts
                 around the globe and extend technical assistance if required.
 » Main Business                                                                     Session I

 ▧ Securitization support business (Provision of Flat 35)
 Support origination of whole term fixed-rate mortgages by private financial
 institutions under the following programs:
 -  Flat 35 (Purchase Program): JHF purchases whole term fixed-rate
 mortgages from private financial institutions and securitizes them.
 -  Flat 35 (Guarantee Program): Private financial institutions securitize whole
 term fixed-rate mortgages insured by JHF, and JHF guarantees timely
 payment of interest and principal to MBS investors.

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