Page 446 - 2019 6th AFIS & ASMMA
P. 446

- No. of Housing Mortgage Loan : 3429  ( As of June 2019)
                                                                                                        -  Outstanding Balance of Housing Mortgae Loan : 41.53 billion mmk ( As of
                                                                                                         June 2019)

                                                                                                      ▧ Goverment Tender Loan ( Bridge Loan)
                                                                                                        -  To help short-term loan for developers to work for government tender
                                                                                                         projects with respective government departments guarrantee. This
                           Myanmar                                                                       program solves  financial difficulties of developers before completing
                                                                                                         projects. CHID Bank provide bridge loan with 11% .
                                                                                                         - No. of Bridge Loan : 295 ( As of June 2019)
                                                                                                         - Outstanding Balance of Bridge Loan : 28.63 billion MMK ( As of June 2019)

                                                                                                      ▧ Infrastructure Development Loan
               | COMPANY |                                                                              -  CHID Bank only started to implement infrastructure develpment loan in
               Constrution, Housing &                                                                    this year (2019) in order to  help ensure economic developement of the
               Infrastructure Development Bank                                                           country and improve standard of living of the people through sustainable
                                                                                                         and environment- friendly investments. CHID Bank also want to support
               | Chairman |                                                                              the following areas by providing financial requirement ;
               U min Htein                                                                              - To Strengthen the framework for infrastructure development
                                                                                                        - To accelerate the speed of project completion
                                                                                                        - To raise efficiency and quality of infrastructure projects
               » Vision                                                                                 - To increase for timely implementation
                  To facilitate the socio economic life and                                           ▧ Construction Loan
                  upgrade the quality of living of the citizens
                                                                                                        -  CHID Bank Support finance for construction sector development especially
                  by developing urban and housing sector to
                                                                                                         for construction of housing projects in nation wide.
                  meet international standards and offering
                                                                                                        - No .Of Construction Loan : 53
                  modernity and pleasantness
                                                                                                        - Outstanding balance of Construction Loan : 103.19 billion MMK ( As of June 2019)   Session I
               » Main Business

               ▧ Housing Mortgage Loan
                 -  The First program in Myanmar which helps to buy home developed by
                   Department of Urban and Housing Development Department - under
                   the Ministry of Construction with long-term mortgage.In the mean time,
                   CHID provide housing mortgage with three different types of interest rate
                   based on source of fund; 12% , 10.5%, 8.5% respectively.

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