Page 443 - 2019 6th AFIS & ASMMA
P. 443

▧  Refinancing
                 SMF refinancing program is designated to provide loan for mortgage lender
                 to support origination of subsidized and commercial mortgages. Refinancing
                 program has been disbursed to Commercial Banks, Regional Banks, Sharia
                 Banks and Multi-finance. - Outstanding balance of refinancing : IDR 17,073
                 billion (as of June 2019) or USD 1,208 million.- Accumulated amount of
                 refinancing : IDR 42,691 billion (as of June 2019) or USD 3,022 million.-
 Indonesia       Accumulated number of mortgage debtors as of June 2019 : 775 thousand

               ▧  Issuance of Debt Securities

                 The issuance of debt securities is part of the SMF’s liquidity management
                 strategy in order to perform its role as the medium/long term fund provider
                 for banks and nonbank financial institutions which originate mortgages. For
                 the 1st semester in 2019, SMF has issued bonds of IDR 4,862 billion or USD
 PT Sarana Multigriya Finansial (Persero)
                 344.2 million.Accumulated bond issuance until June 30, 2019 is IDR 29,632
                 billion or USD 2,097 million.
 | CEO |
 Ananta Wiyogo

 » Vision

 To become an independent entity that supports decent and affordable
 home ownership for every Indonesian family

 » Main Business                                                                     Session I
 ▧  Securitization
 Through securitization transaction, SMF facilitates sale of mortgages
 from originator which will be transformed into capital market securities.-
 Outstanding balance of MBS : IDR 2,953 billion (as of June 2019) or USD
 209 million.- Accumulated amount of MBS issued : IDR 10,155 billion (as of
 June 2019) or USD 718.9 million.

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