Page 457 - 2019 6th AFIS & ASMMA
P. 457

A. Meeting Agenda  2. To adjust the term of the Chair to align with the Host
                 2.1   Item Number: 2019-002
 1. To decide the Host organization for 2020  2.2  Type: New
                 2.3  Purpose: To decide by voting
 2. To adjust the term of the Chair to align with the Host
                 2.4  Rationale: To improve the efficiency by aligning the Host with the Chair
 3. To specify rationale behind expenses or costs, and adjust expense items  2.5   Main Points: Adjust the term of the Chair so as to align the Host with the

 4. To decide the creation of observer membership  Chair
                 2.6  Description
 5.  To decide on the regular membership of observers who express an
                     1.  Discrepancy between the Host and the Chair is made as the Host of a
 interest in becoming regular member
                      prior year meeting becomes the Chair of the current year
 6. To establish guidelines for operating Working Group Committee     2.  [Roles of Chair] Draft and put up agenda, create scenario for the
                      general meeting, and administrative works for proceeding
 7. Other matters
                          [Roles of Host] Create meeting minutes and deliver opening and
                      closing remarks
                     3.  Aligning the Chair with the Host will improve the efficiency of all
                      admin-istrative works related with the annual meeting
                     4.  By adjusting the term for Chairs of Korea and Kazakhstan so as to
 B. Details
                      align the Chair with the Host from 2021
                       -  Term for Chair(Korea): Korea will take the role of the Chair by the
 1. To decide the Host organization for 2020
                       2020 annual meeting
 1.1  Item Number: 2019-001
                       -  Term for Chair(Kazakhstan): Kazakhstan will succeed Korea as the
 1.2   Type: Continued
                       Chair from the 2020 annual meeting
 1.3   Purpose: To decide by voting
 1.4   Rationale: To decide the Host for 2020
 1.5   Main Points:
                3.  To specify rationale behind expenses or costs, and adjust expense items
    1. Decide the 2020 ASMMA host organization
                 3.1   Item Number: 2019-003
 1.6   Description
                 3.2  Type: New
    1. KMC for 2020
                 3.3  Purpose: To decide by voting
      1.1  KMC showed its interest in hosting the 2020 ASMMA and
                 3.4  Rationale:
 becoming a member at the 2018 WGC meeting
                     1.  To add justification behind the execution of expenses in the Charter
      1.2  Upon the approval of members, KMC will be the Chair for 2021 if
                      which are borne by the Host conventionally                     Session II
 it is confirmed to be the host in 2020
                     2.  To set out a clause regarding items of expenses or costs clearly
      *  Host countries : Thailand (Pre-ASMMA)** - Malaysia – Philipphines –
                      borne by the Host and adjust such items to help the Host relieve the
 Thailand – Indonesia – Mongolia – Korea – Kazakhstan(2020)
                      financial burden
      ** SMC, Thailand hosted the “Secondary Mortgage Markets :
           Asia Forum 2013”, which the concept of ASMMA began at that time.

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