Page 462 - 2019 6th AFIS & ASMMA
P. 462

Remarks of Outgoing Chairpersonship                                                       initiative and all the countries  prone to natural disasters should consider
                                                                                                      the approach. After all, our business is people’s business. This statement
                                                                                                      was told me by Datuk Ooi Sang Kuang, the former chairman. I had a
                                                                                                      chance to meet with him in one of the events, where he congratulated
                                                   Gantulga Badamkhatan                               me on the job and said, “In the end, our business is for people.” I believe
                                                   CEO of Mongolian Mortgage Corporation              he is correct. Mortgage loan as a financial product is not designed for
                                                                                                      everyone. It has strict eligibility criteria, with a long-term maturity, when
                                                                                                      the future is largely unknown. We can learn various types of risk related
                                                                                                      with mortgage loans.  In other words, I believe our creativity can help
               It’s been my pleasure to serve you today as a chairperson. Since the last              address the issues with mortgage loans.
            ASMMA event, we have been involved in a number of initiatives, and
            had a very busy year of advancing our businesses. Now our job would be                      ASMMA actually provides a platform where we can freely, and
            to modify the existing charters to accommodate all the issues discussed                   voluntarily exchange our experiences. I will consider what I learned
            today. Today, in the ASMMA annual meeting, we had presentation                            today and take the good practices to home in charting new directions
            from 12 countries; 12 different approaches on how to create sustainable                   to meet the housing needs of Mongolian people. From Mr. Lee’s
            housing system under system of each county, which reflects different                      presentation yesterday and today, I could sense his deep commitment
            historical background, different social economy of countries, as well as                  on delivering sustainable development goal. I think other countries are
            financial sector development. In the end, we are all trying to achieve the                taking the goal into account and set up their own targets.  The SDG
            best we can in given conditions.                                                          Article 11 for sustainable development indeed points to the affordable
                                                                                                      housing, which makes cities sustainable. And making cities sustainable
               I think what today’s presentations had in common was required                          is related to green, energy efficient buildings. If we have these green
            inclusiveness of housing finance. Our endeavors, and our aspiration is to                 buildings, we can have an access to green finance. It seems that green
            make housing finance more affordable. There was also a new dimension                      finance is social bonds, a future trend for all of us. We should also make
            presented by KHFC, which assists housing affordability for young adults,                  our voices heard to the authorities, asking them to redefine building
            who cannot pay their down payments, and provides reverse mortgage                         standards toward green building. In addition, we need to have a long-
            product for senior citizens, assisting their financial stability. With these              term perspective, connecting this issue with the global climate change.
            credit guarantee and reverse mortgage programs, KHFC is effectively                       For me, this is was the key takeaway from today’s event.
            addressing these issues.
                                                                                                        Now, let me finish my words here. I would like to sincerely thank
               I also learned that Malaysia has a new initiative on home equity                       Mr. Lee for hosting ASMMA, for his hospitality, and for the excellent
            scheme. It also helps young adults who cannot afford to pay the down                      organization of the event. I also want to thank Mr. Adil for his kind
            payment. So in a way, it provides a solution to existing mortgage loans.                  acceptance to host the next ASMMA Meeting.
            It was very interesting to me that Indonesia has a disaster recovery
            mortgage program. Natural disaster occurs without a warning, affecting                                                                                         Ceremony
            numerous lives. In this regard, a program that provides relief from                                                                                             Closing
            disasters’ pernicious effects are most welcome. I think it’s a very good

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