Page 459 - 2019 6th AFIS & ASMMA
P. 459

3.5  Main Points:  5.  To decide on the regular membership of observers who express an
    1.  The Host will bear the flight and accommdation expenses of 2   interest in becoming regular member
 delegates per participatory organization  5.1   Item Number: 2019-005
    2.  All participating organizations will bear the flight and   5.2  Type: New
 accommodation expenses once all members finished hosting.  5.3  Purpose: To decide by voting
 3.6  Description  5.4  Rationale: Observers express their interest in becoming a member
    1.  Currently, the Host conventionally provides the flight and   5.5   Main Points: To approve the membership of KMC
 accommodation for two seats as per each participatory organization
    2.  Justify the rationale behind the flight and accommodation fees by
 adding a clause in the charter  6. To establish guidelines for operating Working Group Committee
      2.1  [Host] will bear the flight and the accommodation of 2 delegates   6.1   Item Number: 2019-006
 per participatory organization  6.2  Type: Continued
    3.  Clearly state expense items borne by the Host and participating   6.3  Purpose: To decide by voting by show of hands
 organizations when all members finish the host.  6.4  Rationale: To make WGC regular and establish guidelines
      3.1  [Host] will bear expenses necessary for the conference other   6.5  Main Points:
 than the flight and accommodation paid by participating      1. To make the WGC regular
 organizations.       2. To specify when and who will take part in the WGC meeting
      3.2  [Participating organization] will bear the flight and   6.6  Description:
 accommodation fees, and others for personal purposes     1. To specify Working Group Committee in the Charter
                      2. [Date] TBC
                           [Participants] Manager level who has decision making rights and
 4. To decide the creation of observer membership  working knowledge
 4.1  Item Number: 2019-004     3.  The Host of the current year will reach WGC participants and notify
 4.2  Type: Continued  the participants two weeks before the annual meeting
 4.3  Purpose: To amend charter     4.  The next Host will prepare the draft guideline for the committee,
 4.4  Rationale: To Create obersever membership   which will be put up for agenda to discuss at the next annual
 4.5    Main Points: Seek quantitative and qualitative growth of the ASMMA   meeting
 community by creating Observer membership
 4.6  Description
    1.  [Eligibility] An organization, located in Asia, shall conduct mortgage   7. Other matters
 securitization business  7.1   Suggestion for 2021 Host Country                     Session II
    2.  [Rights] They attend the AFIS and ASMMA annual meeting but
 have no voting right
    3.  [Regular membership] They become a regular member upon the
 approval of all member

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