Page 464 - 2019 6th AFIS & ASMMA
P. 464

Remarks of Incoming Chairpersonship

                                                            Jung Hwan Lee
                                       Chairman, President & CEO, Korea Housing Finance Corporation

               Distinguished guests, thank you. As a chairman of the ASMMA                              As an incoming chair, Korea will take the role of chair by 2020 annual
            Meeting for next year, I was elected last year. So I assume the chairman-                 meeting. That means the Kazakhstan’s term will begin from the 2020
            ship of ASMMA from now on and I feel very sensible responsibility for                     meeting, the very start of that annual meeting which was decided by the
            assuming this important position as an incoming chair of the ASMMA.                       agenda to align the chair with host because of the discrepancy between

            Now as an incoming chairman of the ASMMA, I feel honored to have a                        the host and the chair. So my role as an incoming chair will be very short
            chance devoting myself to advances and cooperation of Asian housing                       and brief. And just before the start of the next meeting, my term will stop
            finance.                                                                                  there.

               Allow me to thank outgoing chair Gantulga Badamkhatan, the CEO of                        Once again, thank you very much for giving me this honorable
            Mongolian MIK who has conducted excellent leadership that was critical                    opportunity. Thank you.
            in accelerating at first to develop the Asian securitization market. While

            following my predecessors, in their footsteps, I will commit myself to
            enhancing the foundation.

               As an incoming chair, I promise that I will do my best to maintain the
            reputation and effort accumulated by previous chairmen and share our
            experience and knowledge with next host country, Kazakhstan Mortgage
            Company so that the next AFIS and ASMMA Meeting in 2020 will be a

            meaningful summit.                                                                                                                                             Ceremony  Closing

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