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We ourselves have issued a green bond; DBS has issued a green
                                                                                                      bond for the purpose of financing our purchase of the building that we
                                                                                                      operate, which is a green building, certified. And we've also used that for
                                                                                                      deployment of and alignment with our ESG principles. What is perhaps
                                                                                                      more interesting now is that we've actually done the first social impact
                                                                                                      model. The size is not big, but it's a Women's Livelihood Bond, and
                                                                                                      the proceeds are basically used to provide access to capital, credit and   Session I
                                                                                                      essential goods and services to a particular interest group. In terms of
                                                                                                      refurbishment, we have now seen CDL Properties, which is a developer,
                                                                                                      and they have issued green bonds for the purpose of refurbishment,
                                                                                                      and thinking on technology, provide green, and perhaps renewable,
                                                                                                      technologies we put into their flagship properties. So, with those
                                                                                                      quick examples I would end my presentation and open this for further
                                                                                                      questions and answers in the panel discussion. Thank you very much.

                                                                                                      » Moderator  |  You Tay Lee
               If you look at where the government's intervention comes, the                            Thank you, so that's the end of a long series of three presentations.
            government has introduced the Asian Bond Grant Scheme, and this                           It's a very heavy concept to absorb within an hour. Luca Bertalot talked
            encourages first-time issuers to consider issuing in Singapore. The                       about mortgage financing mechanism by EEMI(Energy Efficient
            government provides a cash rebate, a grant of up to 400,000 Singapore                     Mortgage Initiative) through EeMAP(Energy Efficient Mortgage Action
            dollars, for first-time issuers.                                                          Plan) and EeDaPP(Energy Efficient Data Protocol and Portal), and used
                                                                                                      examples of 'heat or eat' dilemma. That was very impressive. Maureen
               Moving on from that, the government now has a sustainable Bond                         Schuller talked about the perfect match with capital bond with the
            Grant Scheme. The Bond Grant Scheme pays for the annual reviews of                        green issuance. And Colin Chen gave us an excellent presentation of
            up to 200,000 Singapore dollars. As a result, you have seen through the                   what's going on in the Singapore market, in real estate and ESG market.
            chart on the right, there is an increase in the bond issuance of volumes                  Meanwhile as we are waiting for questions from the floor, may I ask a
            coming out Singapore for first-time ratios; we hope to see more of this.                  question? I'm not really an expert, so my question could be wrong. This
            I'll jump into some case studies, just broad case studies; we will leave it               question applies to both of you, Luca and Maureen, on the mortgage
            for the panel if you have further questions. For financial services, one of               financing mechanism; it is really based on an assumption that there is
            the largest green bonds that has been issued at Singapore comes from                      a risk mitigation effect, where you make a virtuous circle between the
            Manulife, a Canadian life insurer. They basically issued a tier 2 fixed rates             value of property and the lower probability of default. But what if the
            sub(ordinated) green bond. What have they used it for? They have come                     value of property doesn't really go up as you anticipate? The economy
            up with their own taxonomy in terms of UOP, and they have allocated                       boom and bust happens, so when all of a sudden, the economy just chills
            the UOP to basically the projects which satisfies the criteria.                           out, and all the prices go down, then what's going to happen? Will this
                                                                                                      mortgage financing mechanism work all the time?

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