Page 350 - 2019 6th AFIS & ASMMA
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an imbalance between the real cost of funding and the price of lending.                   credit. This is partly the way things have developed in India, and the
            So, this is generally not good; it's little bit same as having a rent control,            competitive advantage of these firms is developing this smart technology
            where you limit the price of a rental accommodation, in effect, capping                   for the underwriting.
            the supply. It's much better to leave the market to function and work with
            enough profitability for all players. Otherwise, they won't be active in this               The second one is the use of Blockchain. There are many different
            area. But direct assistance to the people who need assistant is necessary.                applications, but particularly notable one is for land, which ensures you
            Direct demand subsidy is a complex topic with no clear answer. It's not                   have the very latest title documents with all related information, which
            a magical solution, but it's much more effective in mobilizing credit and                 you can authenticate and have full confidence in them.
            private sector resources. Leveraging, like Simon said, can help people. I
            would not compare the interest rates subsidies with secondary mortgage                      In many countries, the problem is that whatever document you're
            market, as they are not exactly the same thing. In the end, you have                      given, you're never quite sure if it is a fake or fraudulent, if there have   Session II
            to mobilize resources and you have to have systems of subsidies, not                      been other amendments or changes. I think Blockchain eliminates all
            restrictions, which are precisely an incentive to mobilize the resources.                 of these uncertainties and creates absolute certainty on who this land
                                                                                                      belongs to. For mortgage lenders who assess the collateral, this is a
                                                                                                      critical element of the lending process. These are two examples, but
            » Moderator  |  Henny Sender                                                              I think every aspect of the housing and lending process is affected by
               Thank you. One thing we didn't discuss at breakfast, while I have                      technology in some way.
            no idea how all of you think of this issue, is technology and the role of
            technology in everything from credit rating, either the individual buyer
            and the affordability, his credit score to that of the developer, to how                  » Panelist  |  Jerry Fang
            we think about city planning and smart cities, and how we think about                       Just a quick one. It's not about the mortgage origination, but about the
            climate change, and where to build going forward. Who has any thoughts                    servicing. According to our US colleagues, who did a research after the
            on how technology will increasingly change our dialogues going forward                    global financial crisis, the compliance cost associated with the mortgage
            on all these metrics? Simon, do you want to take the first crack?                         loan servicing increases exponentially. So, another trend we all are aware
                                                                                                      is that now the younger generation likes to self-service, likes to look up
                                                                                                      the information from websites and apps. So with these two together,
                                                                                                      our colleagues in the US see the trend that in the US, the mortgage
            » Panelist  |  Simon Walley                                                               originators are gradually leveraging more and more AIs or robots to
               I think technology covers everything, every aspect. There's two                        offer the service to those customers who prefer self-servicing, in order
            specific aspects I'm excited about. One is the use of AI, particularly                    to reduce the cost and increase customer satisfaction experiences. That's
            in underwriting and developing models that don't just rely on the                         what we see how the technology affects the mortgage servicing. Thanks.
            traditional models, where you give us your last six months’ salary slips,
            based on which we underwrite you. Rather, we've got a model where we
            know, if you're a taxi driver in this metropolitan area, how much you will                » Moderator  |  Henny Sender
            earn and be owning. It is a much smarter approach to how underwriting                       Thank you. According to the timer, we have three minutes, according
            works. This allows those working in the informal sector to access                         to my watch it's time to end. But I'm going to end on an editorial note

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