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So what are the main observations? One, the main driver for
               the securitization of the HECM loan was the financial crisis. So the
               securitization was kind of a market solution or government-mandated
               market solution for the crisis caused by the final crisis of the 2008. The
               second point is market is still pretty small. As you can see, the secondary
               market is about 30 times, 35 times smaller. The small size is probably
               due to the difference of the primary market activities. Third, the cash
               flows from the mortgage-backed security pools are surprisingly similar
               between the HECM-based MBS and Genie Mae forward MBS. In terms
               of secondary market activities, currently, the HECM began to move
               closer in terms of most of the characteristics. The HECM MBS is about
               10 years old, but in terms of liquidity, trading costs seems to be almost
               pretty close to what the current stage of the forward MBS actually is.

               » Moderator  |  Richard K. Green                                      Session III
 Lastly, I looked at the spread. Unfortunately, I don't actually have the   Thank you. That was particularly interesting. I'm going to ask you a
 data on the actual bid and ask quotation, so we use something called   question, then a question from the audience, which is basically a question
 effective spread. Effective spread is the difference between daily average   I was going to ask you, but I'll give credit to the audience. First, you
 separation by prices. Based on these calculations, average effective spread   mentioned adverse selection at the top of your presentation, but you
 for the HECM MBS is about 34 basis point and 28 basis point for the   didn't talk very much about it. Has there been any evidence that people do
 Genie Mae forward MBS.   adversely select, which is to basically say if they live in a house whose value
               is falling, they take more money out, whereas if they live in the houses
               value is rising, they're going to maybe sell that house pay off earlier, etc.?

               » Panelist  |  Min Hwang
                 Well, I think the main idea of adverse selection is more close to the
               private information about the longevity of themselves. People with a
               better longevity prospect, based on the private information, are more
               likely to apply for the reverse mortgages. So they tend to live much
               longer, tend to have more losses for the lender. That was the main idea of
               the adverse selection.

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