Page 368 - 2019 6th AFIS & ASMMA
P. 368

The last thing I wanted to take a look at is the actual trading activity
                                                                                                      of the mortgage-backed securities. Those loans are traded in the capital
                                                                                                      market, and take a look if the HMBS, the mortgage-backed securities
                                                                                                      based on reverse mortgage are similar or different from the regular
                                                                                                      forward mortgage-backed security loans. Based on about four years’
                                                                                                      worth of trade database, it is estimated that the total number of trade
                                                                                                      is about 15,000 for the HECM mortgage-backed securities, and about
                                                                                                      540,000 for the regular Genie Mae forward MBS. So it's going to be
                                                                                                      about thirty, thirty-five-times more. This is obvious because the prime
                                                                                                      origination is much larger for the forward mortgage loans.

                                                                                                        But other characteristics turn out to be pretty similar. If you're looking
                                                                                                      at how the trade actually works, the fixed income trade happens between
                                                                                                      the customer and the dealers or between the dealers, right? In the case
                                                                                                      where are the HMBS, the customer trade is about 60 percent, and 40    Session III
                                                                                                      percent is going to be inter-dealer trade. For the forward mortgage-
               The pattern of the prepayments is similar, even though prepayment                      backed securities, about seventy percent is for the customer trade and
            speeds are a bit slower. The individual rules might be quite different                    thirty percent for the inter-dealer trade. So we have more in inter-dealer
            between the reverse mortgage and forward mortgages, but as a mortgage                     trades with HECM mortgage-backed securities because of the low
            pool, you know the cash flow characteristics look a lot more similar.                     liquidity; the dealers will have more difficulty in managing the inventory,
            However, note that the prepayment behavior of the US mortgage is pretty                   so it leads to more inter-dealer trading.
            volatile, too - as you can see from this prepayment behavior, there is a
            trend in the prepayment for the reverse mortgage loans.                                     The size of each trade is pretty similar, especially for the customer
                                                                                                      trades. So every size of the trade is about three million dollars for the
                                                                                                      HECM MBS and the forward MBS. How frequently are they traded? If
                                                                                                      you count the number of days where there's no trading, for the HECM
                                                                                                      based trading we have about 36 percent of the days of the MBS not being
                                                                                                      traded. For the forward mortgage-backed securities, it is pretty similar
                                                                                                      with about 30 percent.

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