Page 439 - 2019 6th AFIS & ASMMA
P. 439

- Volume of RMBS/PWOR: MNT103.5 billion worth RMBS was issued (As of June 2019)
                 - Outstanding balance of RMBS/PWOR : MNT2.8 billion (As of June 2019)
                 - Accumulated amount of RMBS/PWOR : MNT3.7 trillion (2013 ~ June 2019)

               ▧  Liquidity model - Purchase with resource (PWR)

                 -  MIK HFC LLC purchases mortgages with resource at their outstanding
                   value from commercial banks in Mongolia to Provide liquidity to these
 Mongolia          commercial banks, allowing them to orginate additional mortgages. We
                   purchase mortgage under this model with our own company, German
                   Development bank and "Oelun" bond funds.
                 - Volume of purchased PWR : MNT348.2 Billion  (As of June 2019)
                 - Outstanding balance of KfW fund: 7.99 billion MNT (As of June 2019)
                 - Outstanding balance of company own fund: 9.75 billion MNT (As of June 2019)
                 - Outstanding balance of Oelun bond fund: MNT350.9 billion (As of June 2019)
                 - Accumulated amount of PWR : MNT410.5 billion ( 2014 ~ June 2019)
 Mongolian Mortgage Corporation HFC LLC

 | CEO |
 Gantulga Badamkhatan

 » Vision
 To promote development of the primary and secondary mortgage
 markets by issuing and selling mortgage-backed securities on domestic
 and international capital markets, and to establish a long-term financing
 structure in Mongolia that would provide the population with affordable
 housing and support modern urban development in the country.

 » Main Business                                                                     Session I

 ▧  Securitization model - Purchase without resource (PWOR)
 MIK HFC LLC issues RMBS, which are secured by the receivables from our
 purchased mortgages without recourse, through our SPCs and establish
 a new SPC for each issuance.The interest on the mortgage loans and
 RMBS under this model are fixed according to the Government and BOM's
 Affordable Housing Program.

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