Page 440 - 2019 6th AFIS & ASMMA
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cooperatives, local government units (LGUs), national government agencies
                                                                                                        and civic organizations.
                                                                                                        Total Amount of Purchase from 2016 to 2019 -  3,378 housing units worth
                                                                                                        1.26 Billion PHP (as of August 1, 2019)

                                                                                                      ▧  Reverse Mortgage Program - MAginhawang BUhay dahil
                                                                                                        sa baHAY (MABUHAY)
                                                                                                        The first ever reverse mortgage program in the Philippines. The program is
                           Republic of the Philippines                                                  part of NHMFC's effort to address the needs of the senior citizens who want
                                                                                                        to enjoy retirement. MABUHAY allows senior citizens to convert a portion
                                                                                                        of their home equity into cash in order to address their various needs.
                                                                                                        Total Amount of Purchase from 2016 to 2018 - 6 housing units worth 11.3
                                                                                                        Million PHP  (as of August 1, 2019)

                                                                                                      ▧ Securitization
               | COMPANY |
               National Home Mortgage Finance Corporation                                               Consistent with its mandate, NHMFC buys mortgages originated by private
                                                                                                        financial institutions and sell them to the capital market through the
                                                                                                        issuance of mortgage-backed financial instruments.
               | CEO |
                                                                                                        A. BahayBonds 1
               Felixberto U. Bustos Jr
                                                                                                          In March 2009, NHMFC launched its maiden securitization issuance aptly named
                                                                                                          BahayBonds. This is the first residential mortgage backed securities (RBMS) issued
                                                                                                          in the Philippines by a government agency. This was rated AA by the Philippine
               » Vision
                                                                                                          Rating Services Corporation (PhilRatings).
                  By 2022, the NHMFC, as part of a unified government housing agency, shall               Amount of Cumulative Issuance - 2.06 Billion PHP
                  be the major player in providing housing finance through the strengthening              Outstanding Balance - 0.00 PHP (as of October 2016) due to early call
                  of the secondary mortgage market.                                                     B. BahayBonds 2
                                                                                                          In August 2012, NHMFC issued the second of its BahayBonds series (BB2). It is the
                                                                                                          first ever retail mortgage-backed securities (RMBS) issued in the country and was
               » Main Business                                                                            given a rating of PRS Aa by the PhilRatings.
                                                                                                          Amount of Cumulative Issuance - 603 Million PHP
               ▧ Housing Loan Receivables Purchase Program (HLRPP)
                                                                                                          Outstanding Balance - 261.74 Million PHP (as of February 2019); Senior Class A   Session I
                 This program is an alternative venue for housing developers and other                    Notes was retired in 2017
                 originating institu-tions with low-cost housing projects to sell qualified
                 housing loan portfolio to NHMFC.
                 Total Amount of Purchase from 2010 to 2019 - 1,697 housing units worth
                 1.86 Billion PHP (as of August 1, 2019)

               ▧  Socialized Housing Loan Take-Out of Receivables (SHeLTeR)
                 The program aims to provide affordable housing program to the low-
                 income sector of the Philippine society. NHMFC purchase socialized
                 housing loan portfolio from housing developers, micro finance institutions,

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