Page 342 - 2019 6th AFIS & ASMMA
P. 342

» Moderator  |  Henny Sender                                                              » Panelist  |  Jerry Fang
               Thank you. And applying that model to emerging markets, what                             Senior Director, Structured Finance Ratings, S&P Global Ratings
            emerge markets might learn from the French structure?
                                                                                                        Sure, thanks. Before that, may I briefly introduce myself? I started
                                                                                                      as a rating analyst in 2001, and since then as the primary analyst, I was
            » Panelist  |  Olivier Hassler                                                            responsible for the first rated RMBS in Taiwan. Then moved to Hong
               Besides try to mobilize savings from the market and not just from                      Kong, I was involved in the Hong Kong RMBS sponsored by Hong
            deposits, which is absolutely necessary, but with some risk involved.                     Kong Mortgage Corporation. When I was in Hong Kong, I also covered
            Another benefit of the system is to structure the market and set the                      the Korean cross-border market. So, I was the primary analyst for a few
            quality standards. So, it's a non-regulatory way, but you know that better                Korean cross-border RMBS transactions before the financial crisis; for
            than me, because that's what the Korean Housing Finance Corporation                       example, those transactions sponsored by Kookmin Bank, Citibank,      Session II
            does. It selects good quality mortgages only, which makes the market                      a city corporation, and Standard Chartered First Bank. Then I had a
            sustainable. That's a very important benefit. The third thing I would                     chance to leave S&P and work with a Chinese bank Huawei in Shenzhen.
            say is a need of fixed-interest rate mortgages, because when you lend to                  Although I left the rating agency, I had a chance to live and breathe in
            lower-income people or lower middle income segments, these people                         Shenzhen and learned firsthand observations from Shenzhen for the
            don't have a cushion to face and withstand interest rate hikes. I know                    Chinese community. When I rejoined S&P in 2015 again, I'm back
            that's what happened in India and Pakistan, when the floating rate                        to cover the China and Hong Kong RMBS mortgage market and was
            went up, so did delinquency rates. So, fixed interest rate at least for five,             recently assigned to rate the Covered Bonds issued by KHFC.
            six, seven years, maybe not twenty, is very important, precisely for the
            affordable segment. But it's not manageable if it is based on deposits,                     So, in the past almost 20 years, my specialty and my knowledge
            because deposits are very liquid; if you have a liquidity issue, you have                 covered all the asset types of mainly the RMBS in housing finance
            to borrow short-term, which means variable rates. So, the big benefits of                 market. So, I'd like to take this chance to share knowledge and my
            this institution is to introduce and develop fixed-rate mortgage lending                  observations on China. I will keep it short first and then we can follow
            in the system.                                                                            up to see what else to discuss. I think in terms of the housing financing,
                                                                                                      in terms of the secondary market, for example, mortgage backed
                                                                                                      transaction, either RMBS or mortgage-backed covered bonds, China just
            » Moderator  |  Henny Sender                                                              recently developed the market. All of your country maybe developing
               Thank you. Jerry, I'm going to turn to you now. You and I have spent                   this market for 20 to 30 years, but China just seriously developed the
            a large part of our lives living in Hong Kong, watching the emergence of                  mortgage market over the past ten years. And they just started to issue
            China. A lot of emerging markets have looked on China as a role model.                    lots of RMBS in the past two to three years. Although they develop
            Tell us about how you've seen the development of China; you know                          much later than most of the countries, I think the good thing is that they
            it's been so fast. And they've gone to embrace a quasi-market system.                     learn from the lessons observed from other markets. I'd like to share
            Tell us about the development of the housing market and the financing                     two things with you. One is the risk retention. Because we see some
            arrangements behind it.                                                                   experiences that are observed in the global financial crisis, there is the
                                                                                                      risk retention, just to ensure the originator has the skin in the game. This
                                                                                                      is really important. In the past, when some bankers mentioned some

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