Page 341 - 2019 6th AFIS & ASMMA
P. 341

builders of affordable housing. Construction work is a great entry point,   » Moderator  |  Henny Sender
 and they will also create the demand for that affordable housing. So, in a   Can you just step back one minute and tell us the way in which the
 world where technology is taking away a lot of the jobs and making the   French mortgage finance is different than that in the US? When Olivier
 East Asia economic model increasingly implausible, because when more   first started explaining this to me last night at dinner, I was cringing
 and more capital will be doing the jobs, there'll be fewer manufacturing   because the mortgage financing institutions in the US were partly
 jobs. Construction is one possible alternative. And your point on the   responsible for the subprime crisis, which then morphed into the global
 affordable housing creating jobs, I think is such an important one, which   financial crisis. Sadly, it largely started in my country.
 picks on Matthias' comments about all the economic benefits of housing
 and why it should be a priority. Olivier, I'm now going to turn to you.
 First, please tell us about your two jobs and what you've learned, and   » Panelist  |  Olivier Hassler
 how what you've learned in France applies to emerging markets, which   Anecdotally, what triggered the creation of this institution was a   Session II
 may be seemingly counterintuitive.   report of the financial ministry of the French Embassy in Washington,
               describing the US system with a Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and Federal
               Home Loan Bank system. The Ministry of Finance wanted the report,
 » Panelist  |  Olivier Hassler  which led to the creation of the institution. But a big difference is that the
 Chairman, French CRH Board & Housing Finance Adviser, World Bank  French institution is a very simple and very robust institution.

 I have two hats and one of them is being a non-executive chairman of   It doesn't take risk. It's a pass-through system, so it issues bonds
 the mortgage refinancing facility in France. It was created in 1985. Though   and lends on to mortgage lender exactly what it has borrowed on the
 my neighbor forbade us to name it, you would identify its name from its   market. It is also very safely organized with a natural, of course, pledging
 very poor and bad examples of regulation in the country called "F", which   portfolios, quality standards for the pledged mortgage loans, and over-
 was a credit restriction. To tame inflation, the government had a policy   collateralization which is on average about 140 percent. So, it's very
 to limit the growth of a distribution of credit. So you had commercial   different. And it's entirely owned by the banks; so when the bank wants
 banks and savings banks, which were cash-rich, but couldn't lend all the   to use this facility, it has to be become a shareholder. And there is no
 cash they had. On the other hand, you had specialized lenders with no   government intervention. Nothing, no relation with the government. So,
 deposits, which wanted to lend and do mortgage lending but didn't have   that's one big difference with, for instance, Fannie and Freddie in the US,
 much cash or easy cash. Precisely such as CRH was created to provide this   where the government-sponsored organizations, are seen as implicitly
 specialized institution, with long term resources raised from the capital   guaranteed by the government. So they had an inducement, an incentive,
 market. That's something which impacts many countries. Because you   to issue bonds, because there were very attractive conditions. Instead
 do have the situation, where often commercial banks are reluctant to   of doing their primary jobs, which was guaranteeing their mortgage
 lend, despite the fact that there are a lot of cash. You also see a situation of   portfolios, they tried to make a fat profit of the margin between the cost
 resource transformation, where you have institutional investors with long   of funding and the investment in mortgage portfolios. The French system
 term liabilities like pension funds, just investing their cash in bank deposits   doesn't buy portfolio; we just lend on banks. That one big difference. The
 instead of going to the capital market. So, as Simon mentioned, the exact   Fannie and Freddie in the US were urged in a way by the system to make
 goal was to create a tool to capture all the savings from the capital market   a lot of profits and they took the risk.
 for mortgage lending. It's still totally valid in many countries.

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