Page 344 - 2019 6th AFIS & ASMMA
P. 344

potential transactions, they talked about that they have a great idea that                » Panelist  |  Simon Walley
            the originator loans, and then sells to the capital market by issuing the                   Very little confidence. I think one of the useful roles the institutions
            RMBS. It is very sensitive issue, because the mortgage sales without risk                 like Olivier's can play, or whether it's KHFC here or Cagamas in
            retention in the origination model was obviously the key driver for the                   Malaysia, is to set standards. You want to standardize the mortgage
            global financial crisis.                                                                  products, have the same documentation, the same underwriting rules,
                                                                                                      which allows you to have collected data on a comparable basis and
               The second topic I'd like to share about China is the data transparency.               build it up. I think the other thing that we often struggle with is the pure
            Earlier, Matthias and Simon talked about the importance of data                           mortgage data. You also need to understand the market you're in, so you
            transparency, although in different contexts. Matthias talked about it                    need data on house price and housing production. These are often what
            in the affordable housing, while Simon talked about it in the housing                     the countries struggle with, but without the data, it is very difficult for
            financing. I think the good thing about China is, for the mortgage                        the ministries and the authorities to make good housing policy based   Session II
            originator to issue RMBS, those mortgage originators need to file the                     on good judgments. We've seen in many countries, and Thailand can
            registration report to obtain an issuance quota from the regulators.                      particularly be a good example. There's some delegates here. In Thailand,
            In those registration reports, they need to provide up to ten-years                       they set up what we call a housing observatory. When we don't have the
            history data. As a rating analyst, I remember when I worked on the first                  data, we're kind of making policy blindly. Let's see how we can collect it,
            Taiwanese RMBS transaction, later Hong Kong deals and earlier days the                    where it's going to be the municipalities collecting housing production
            Korean transactions, obviously we need to get the originators-specific                    data. Let's see what's the best way we can do to build a house price index.
            data one by one. It's hard to have a big picture on the overall industry;                 In Thailand, I think they put up a big institution, which enabled them to
            the performance, the trend, not to mention the peer comparison. So, we                    make the right decisions.
            had the privilege to get the confidential and non-material information
            from each originator. But again, it was quite different then. Now I work
            in China, before we are engaged to work on any transaction, I have like                   » Panelist  |  Matthias C. Helble
            20 mortgage originators and all the top six mortgage originators in China                   I'm a bit more optimistic about the data, because now we have lots
            they follow the RMBS registration report and they provided more than                      of data on the internet. It's quite easy to download the information. For
            almost ten-years history data. So, before we talk with them, we rate the                  example, at ADB last year, we downloaded 20,000 housing prices within
            RMBS transaction sponsored by the largest Chinese mortgage originator;                    Manila. We also could locate the household exactly by the tree, because
            we already have a very deep understanding on them, their performance,                     it was also available online. So, using these online platforms, we can
            with the peer comparison.                                                                 actually gather a lot of information. Of course, we have to be careful
                                                                                                      how to interpret it. This market might be catered to a certain group, but
                                                                                                      I think, for example, this Google Maps, which gives us data on traffic
            » Moderator  |  Henny Sender                                                              flows or on restaurants, also can give us a very good idea of the actual
               Jerry, I'm going to stop you there for one minute to talk about data.                  income of neighborhoods, which can help to assess certain risks or
            Then I'm going to ask you a question from the floor. Both of you have                     profiles of certain groups. So, there's already a lot of data that can actually
            mentioned the importance of infrastructure and the importance of data.                    be gathered at a relatively low cost.
            How confident are you that there is good information available in the
            markets that you have experiences of?

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