Page 378 - 2019 6th AFIS & ASMMA
P. 378

Okay, in the private market, if it won't work, what they would do
            is they will try to find a break-even pricing. The pricing in reverse
            mortgages is defined by the principal limit factor, basically saying given a
            million-dollar value of the current house, how much maximum amount
            the bank is willing to give to the borrower as a loan amount? It could be
            50 percent or 60 percent, or in some cases, it could be 20 percent. So they
            just computed this by discounting the break-even point to the present
            value to see how much it works.

               This is the principal limit factor worksheet. It's probably a little bit
            small, but you have a copy in your slides. If we just compare the green
            sheet, it's related to the age of the borrower. For the younger borrower,
            the expected life would be much longer, so for that perspective the green
            line will shift to the right and we will see the that the discount would be
            deeper. So we see as the age increases, the amount of you can borrow                                                                                            Session III
            would increase. If we just compare within the same age group, we see
            that the lower the interest rate the environment is, the more fund the
            bank is willing to lend, because the cost of capital or the rate of return
            required by bank would be lower.

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